Hello to all. . .Hope your Day for Mom's was fabulous! We had 2 nieces and a nephew stay over night and part of Sunday, then back home to their Mom's. We had a blast!
Raz, did the hen sale with Mobile folks work out?
To weigh in on the whole gender thing and temp, it's 50-50 what the gender of a chick will be. I don't think temperature can change an x chromosome into a y. If there was a way to determine hatch gender via heat, everybody would be doing it..that 1 to 5 ratio you're seeing is plain ole bad luck, nothing you're doing.

Silkie - Huntinwidow and I were talking about which gender was more susceptible to high temperatures, neither of us thinks that the chromosomes change.

Actually, hens are hetero-gametic, so it is the hen that determines the gender of the chick. Chickens (for gender) are indicated by ZW (female) and ZZ (male) so there are not even any 'X' or 'Y' chromosomes in chickens. They are not even technically chromosomes, but that is an entirely different discussion.
Quote: They will eat small snakes, but from what I've heard (and seen while researching them) they aren't mean if you don't raise them to be that way.
Hello to all. . .Hope your Day for Mom's was fabulous! We had 2 nieces and a nephew stay over night and part of Sunday, then back home to their Mom's. We had a blast!
Raz, did the hen sale with Mobile folks work out?
They never answered the phone so dad is taking them to the feed store as I type. They said they'd love to have them. We sell chicks to them pretty often and they always love to see us bring in grown birds.
Roo's been a bit mad at me.. He's not liking being cooped up. I got them all spoiled with the 'free ranging' lately and I just haven't had the time to let them out for very long this weekend.

He's been crowing like mad

He has figured out crowing gets my attention, so if the food is empty, he crows, if he wants out, he crows. And not once.. oh no.. He just keeps going until he gets what he wants. Sounds like my 16 month old! (actually, when I'm inside, I think there's a kid crying in the other room, but then I realize it's Roo).
They will eat small snakes, but from what I've heard (and seen while researching them) they aren't mean if you don't raise them to be that way.
They never answered the phone so dad is taking them to the feed store as I type. They said they'd love to have them. We sell chicks to them pretty often and they always love to see us bring in grown birds.
I'm so glad you were able to find a solution for thoses pretty girls!
Tomtom, that is too funny! That rooster has you pegged! And when you said it sounded like a kid in another room.... well

I was just telling my DH yesterday that I could not believe that our roosters have not started crowing yet! I know we have abt. 12 and no crowing? I can def wait for that one... lol

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