A new adventure begins. The coop is built...

modified version of Purina design.

And birds have been acquired...

two Blue Laced Red Wyandottes and three Buff Orpintons.

Anyone here from baldwin county that might be able to take in some free chicks in a week or 2 I kind of got more chicks than I planned on and I'm almost positive I will have to give away 2-3 chicks sometime soon wether they are hens or roosters. They would be either a blue or gold laced cochin, or a buff orp maybe even a silkie :(. Not sure yet just having a back up plan and curious if anyone out there lives close. I live In magnolia springs.
Originally Posted by AParmer

Hello from a tiny place we call Graham! I'm a native Georgian but couldn't pass up the country.

Welcome to the group...I'm still pretty new myself but everyone here seems so nice and helpful!!!
cool. I am wanting to get all colors of wyandotte eventually. I just hatched one BLR it is about two weeks old and feathering goergously so far.

I can't wait to see how our BLR turn out...we hope to have some eggs ready to incubate by sept...I know it's not the best time but I can't wait until spring....
I hope we have a rooster to breed with our silver laced hen...have to wait a couple of months to find out..I love my wyandottes though...they r beautiful birds!!!
Anyone here from baldwin county that might be able to take in some free chicks in a week or 2 I kind of got more chicks than I planned on and I'm almost positive I will have to give away 2-3 chicks sometime soon wether they are hens or roosters. They would be either a blue or gold laced cochin, or a buff orp maybe even a silkie
. Not sure yet just having a back up plan and curious if anyone out there lives close. I live In magnolia springs.
Hey Brie, not sure if I can help you! But I'll try!!

I know a lady who has a petting zoo (llamas, goats, camels, donkey's pig etc.), gave her a roo last year. Let me see if I can hook ya'll up....she wanted some of mine this year....I'll PM you tomorrow, she wanted eggs if possible, but all her critters are "on show" if well behaved. The Roo we gave her is just a big 'ole baby, loves to have his pic's with kiddos. Give me 24 hours, gotta call her about a friend who needs to rehome a single rabbit.
I can't wait to see how our BLR turn out...we hope to have some eggs ready to incubate by sept...I know it's not the best time but I can't wait until spring....
I hope we have a rooster to breed with our silver laced hen...have to wait a couple of months to find out..I love my wyandottes though...they r beautiful birds!!!
Not sure where you are located, but welcome!!! I have a Columbian Wyandotte EE Roo!!! Has the ear muffs and beard with the Columbian Wyandotte with black collar. Cool looking Roo. His Mom true Columbian, Dad, Wheaten Ameracauna.....

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