We have one rir rooster that is a lower pecking order rooster that tends to have the bantam cochin frizzles with him often. What is funny is that my husband has seen them on the roost when he has checked on them with the roo allowing 2 of the frizzles to roost under his wings.
Has anyone ever seen such a size descrepency between two birds that are the same age? Very new to chickens!
I've seen this. My mother and I purchased 10 Black Australorp and 8 Welsummer chicks at about 2 days old. I was in charge of brooding and caring for them until they feathered out. Once they were ready to come out of the brooder, mom took her 5 BAs and 3 Wellies home to her little coop. (She lives less than a half mile from me.) The chicks are all 8-weeks-old as of yesterday and mine are twice the size of mom's. They have been since a week or two after she took hers home. There's only thing I can think of that she and I have done differently. I started letting them forage in the yard in a small pen during the warmest part of the day at about two weeks of age. I continued that after she took hers, she did not. I will see if she will bring a couple of hers up and let me take pictures of them side by side with mine.
God bless him, not only is he a a retiree/veteran, late 60's, but geez, he and his wife are "die" hard Bama Fan, kids raised on it!!! Still. just love him!!!!
?????What's wrong with this picture???? Love him just the same!!!!!heehee
War EAGLE!!!!
Sounds like awesome friends! We are also Bama fans! But I don't think any less of those other fans.... hahahahahahahahaha

DH and I went to HD, picked up wiring "stuff for shed and coops tomorrow"!!!
Taking no chances!!!
that is great! You will love it! I love being able to look out there and see what is going on!
From left to right: Roxie the barred rock, Honey (the small EE), Chantel (gold laced cochin, 4yr old son named) & Bunny (the BIG EE). The EE's were same size when we got them
I had some in the brooder that I had gotten at the same time and the same age. Most of them grew well but a couple of them did not! Then I found it was the pecking order. The stronger ones were not letting the weaker ones eat as much! I had to separate the smaller ones so the would get enough to eat. Now they are the same size as all the others and looking good!
I just stopped in to say hi to everyone! Things have been crazy the past few weeks and I haven't been able to go home but for a few minutes every so often. I had to leave my son at my cousins' house (where I'm currently staying) and they're watching him for the day while I get some stuff done at home. Dad sold our AGF flock and we won't be raising anymore of them. The RIR flock was moved to the AGFs' old pen along with our only surviving female duck. I'm not sure why the other 2 died. We lost them Friday.

Four cages still have to be moved into the pen with Suzy the pot-bellied pig and our mallard drake, Mal. I have to clean out the rabbit hutch so I can move my quail pair into it after it gets moved. The final thing on my list is to make jelly to send to someone I promised it to a month ago. Thankfully she understands how hectic it's been.
I just stopped in to say hi to everyone! Things have been crazy the past few weeks and I haven't been able to go home but for a few minutes every so often. I had to leave my son at my cousins' house (where I'm currently staying) and they're watching him for the day while I get some stuff done at home. Dad sold our AGF flock and we won't be raising anymore of them. The RIR flock was moved to the AGFs' old pen along with our only surviving female duck. I'm not sure why the other 2 died. We lost them Friday.

Four cages still have to be moved into the pen with Suzy the pot-bellied pig and our mallard drake, Mal. I have to clean out the rabbit hutch so I can move my quail pair into it after it gets moved. The final thing on my list is to make jelly to send to someone I promised it to a month ago. Thankfully she understands how hectic it's been.
So good to here from you and glad all is well!!:)
I have a Indian Runner Duck trio for sale , $30. They are buff and white crested, hens lay almost daily. All 3 get along with all the chickens. I am in Moody.
I just stopped in to say hi to everyone! Things have been crazy the past few weeks and I haven't been able to go home but for a few minutes every so often. I had to leave my son at my cousins' house (where I'm currently staying) and they're watching him for the day while I get some stuff done at home. Dad sold our AGF flock and we won't be raising anymore of them. The RIR flock was moved to the AGFs' old pen along with our only surviving female duck. I'm not sure why the other 2 died. We lost them Friday.

Four cages still have to be moved into the pen with Suzy the pot-bellied pig and our mallard drake, Mal. I have to clean out the rabbit hutch so I can move my quail pair into it after it gets moved. The final thing on my list is to make jelly to send to someone I promised it to a month ago. Thankfully she understands how hectic it's been.
Hi Raz, It is great to hear from you! Hope to see some more pics of the baby soon!

Sounds like you are keeping very busy! WOW!

Take care
Hilda is a hen! Still has the biggest comb and wattles though ;) We got our first egg Friday (while we were out if town) and the second one today. All the chickens are squatting now :) glad to have raised all four from day old chicks!!


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