Hey my fellow Alabamians! Does anyone happen to know of a used incubator for sale for 24-48 eggs? I'm trying not to spend a ton of money on one because I thought we had one, and it's not in my budget! We're about to build the coop and I just found out the old incubator was trashed since it had apparently died! :'( Thanks for your help and hospitality! Yall were so quick to answer and so friendly, I just think I may stay awhile :)

They sell the little giant still air one for like $40 at Tractor supply. Craigslist is a good place to check too. There are a few here on BYC, but they're all the higher end models.
Hey my fellow Alabamians! Does anyone happen to know of a used incubator for sale for 24-48 eggs? I'm trying not to spend a ton of money on one because I thought we had one, and it's not in my budget! We're about to build the coop and I just found out the old incubator was trashed since it had apparently died! :'( Thanks for your help and hospitality! Yall were so quick to answer and so friendly, I just think I may stay awhile :)
The TSC one got 4/5 reviews and like Tomtommom said it's on sale right now for 39.99;-still-air-incubator
Just came home with some chicks from Montevallo TSC. They've got straigh run RIR, straight run barred rocks, straigh run white rocks and cornish X
I got 2 of the white rocks and 4 barred rocks. Guess I wont need to buy cornish X to get myself some chicken dinner. Now lets hope I got atleast SOME girls.

The lady put them in a box and I was like 'let me take a look' and check their wings/feet. Gave her one white rock back, I was SURE it was a boy. Big feet and ZERO wing feathers
Just taking a chance on the others.

Those sound like the barred rocks I just got.. look a lot the same too.

BTW first time using my Premier heat plate. OMG I love this thing! The babies have been home for half an hour and they're ASLEEP. I've never seen chicks settle down so fast. Straight under the heat plate, some soft little peeps, but mostly silence. Wow.
I would have rather had white rock than RIR
I hope the ones they had marked pullets really are only pullets! Great to hear about the heat plate... I have one on my wishlist for next year :D One of the RIR has a few feathers but out of the 6 she picked up for me to see NONE had two rows of feathers.. I guess they are still to small for that? All of my first set were true to what I read, one long row on my packing peanut boy production reds, and 2 rows on my 12 girls.
Here is the geek in me talking...

I'm experimenting on a very simple cheap incubator design(Got bored one of the snow days). Basically light bulb in Styrofoam container. The most expensive thing I had to get is the $10 temp/hum reader.

I found a couple small cheap incubator online was was pretty much the same thing but cost more so I thought it was the way to go.

I will admit I do have to keep an eye on it but I'm just playing around and I didn't spend a huge amount of money on it.
Temp and humidity are holding steady with minimal adjustment. So I can't complain too much.
Been 1 week. Found out quail eggs are VERY hard to candle.
Going to have to wait another 1-1/2 week before 1. they hatch or 2. I do the float test(been reading up on it).

I'll let you know in 2 weeks how everything turn out.

I will say it was a lot easier then I had my orps. I just put the eggs under them and wait 21 days to play with the chicks.....
Hey my fellow Alabamians! Does anyone happen to know of a used incubator for sale for 24-48 eggs? I'm trying not to spend a ton of money on one because I thought we had one, and it's not in my budget! We're about to build the coop and I just found out the old incubator was trashed since it had apparently died! :'( Thanks for your help and hospitality! Yall were so quick to answer and so friendly, I just think I may stay awhile :)

I'll keep my ears open, but I suggest you go ahead and start saving for a good one. I bit the bullet and spent WAY more than I wanted to but you know what? I have yet to regret it!

Good luck and Welcome to BYC and the ALABAMA!! thread!
I bid on this:

But honestly, I wasn't sure if I wanted that one, or the advance. Ofcourse hubby being my voice of reason, after I explained the difference.. he says "Hands off is better, you know how hectic things get"... so he agrees we will get a Brinsea mini advance. Probably not right now, I hope to find a little bit cheaper one. So, I stopped bidding..... someone else may still be able to snag it
(new they're $89.99)

I purchased my heat plate through a fellow BYCer, $50 shipping and all. She realized it just wasn't for her, and I got a brand new one without paying $24 shipping (new they're $42, with $24 shipping). Hope to have similar luck with a mini advance. Someone who decides it's just a bit too small for them. The octagon 20 advance is just a bit too big and pricey, I think.

I don't really like the styrofoam incubators, between cats, small kids and me being clumsy, I don't see that surviving very long.
There are just some people that, as my husband says, would complain if you were going to hang them with a new rope. In other words, regardless of where they are or in what circumstances, they MUST find something to complain about in order to make other people just as miserable as they are. I signed the petition and posted to FB. They are only about 750 signatures away from the 22,000. It's just another example of government run amok. You'd think they would have more important things to concern themselves with than picking on a 5 year old child. Disgraceful!
Hey my fellow Alabamians! Does anyone happen to know of a used incubator for sale for 24-48 eggs? I'm trying not to spend a ton of money on one because I thought we had one, and it's not in my budget! We're about to build the coop and I just found out the old incubator was trashed since it had apparently died! :'( Thanks for your help and hospitality! Yall were so quick to answer and so friendly, I just think I may stay awhile :)
saw a cabinet incubator on dothan craigslist today. Not sure where in bama u are
It's the strangest thing. This pic is right-side- up when I view it on my computer, but when I upload it, it is up-side-down. ANYWAY, if someone could flip it and repost it I would appreciate it . These are my breeding trio of Black Orpingtons. I have about a dozen chicks to sell ranging in age from 10 weeks to hatching this weekend. The only thing about the pic is that it doesn't show just how big they are. Everyone that sees that roo says, "Whoa! That's a big rooster!"

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