New to BYC and chicks. We live in Oneonta. Bought 6 bantams at TSC. Wanted golden comets but they didn't have any. Hoping to get some more this week.
New to BYC and chicks. We live in Oneonta. Bought 6 bantams at TSC. Wanted golden comets but they didn't have any. Hoping to get some more this week.
Hello and
New to BYC and chicks. We live in Oneonta. Bought 6 bantams at TSC. Wanted golden comets but they didn't have any. Hoping to get some more this week.

Hello, JD! Welcome to BYC and the ALABAMA!!! thread. We are really glad you are here and will help in any way we can. You have found the best site for all things chicken and, hopefully, a new community of good friends. If you need help navigating the site, getting set up with your chickens, or anything else, you can post in here or PM me and I will direct you as best I can.

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New to BYC and chicks. We live in Oneonta. Bought 6 bantams at TSC. Wanted golden comets but they didn't have any. Hoping to get some more this week.

Welcome! You have definitely come to the right place! These guys are so friendly and helpful! I'm rather new myself, I just last night went and met Wisher1000 and got 15 of her two day old chicks! She is very friendly and down to earth! I rather enjoyed meeting her and her son and can't wait to get more chicks from her! She is a wealth of chicken info, as are many of the fine folk on here, so welcome again! I think it's time to start our great chicken journey :)
By the way, here's a few photos of my new babies! Squeal!!! I ended up with 15 total: 9 Easter Eggers and 6 Black Orpingtons, all two days old, and my first ever chickens! They are so healthy, running around, flapping the tiny chicken wings!




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