Welcome, MillieJ. I love your part of the state.

There are some great threads on here about predator prevention.
We're just north of Fort Payne . My hubby and I have a little place that we share with 2 dairy goats, 2 horses , a couple of little inside dogs and a couple of barn cats. We had a flock but lost them (fox) after our farm dog had to be put down due to illness. We will be getting a couple farms dogs soon and will make changes to the coop and run . Hopefully this spring we will be getting some Blk. Australorps and Golden Laced Wyandottes. We had Americaunas , Buff Orpingtons and a wht. hen .
They were just starting to lay again, darn it ! :barnie I hate store bought eggs !

Welcome Neighbor !
I'm not exactly new, because I posted in this thread ages ago, when we first moved to Northern Alabama and hadn't even started raising chickens yet. Then so much went on that I didn't end up posting much here. But I should have, because we have been through so much trial and error! Now that the dust is mostly settled (if it ever truly is) I thought I'd give this place a go again.
Hey, Raz! Yea, it has really picked up a lot of new regulars, lately! I'm suddenly seeing you everywhere!
Yep, I show up where you least expect me!
I'm not exactly new, because I posted in this thread ages ago, when we first moved to Northern Alabama and hadn't even started raising chickens yet. Then so much went on that I didn't end up posting much here. But I should have, because we have been through so much trial and error! Now that the dust is mostly settled (if it ever truly is) I thought I'd give this place a go again.
Same here. I posted about 2 years ago and it wasn't very active then.
Just got my McMurray chicks this morning. 48 in all with 16 of them Meaties:) So far so good. Folks talk about losing chicks in shipping, but I'm hoping these all remain healthy! Got some Black Stars and Red Stars this time. My flock is getting up in age and am hoping by this summer I'll have some new laying girls:) Roll Tide Roll

The ? Red is on the right. Could be a new Hampshire do they have black? Or production red?

The other white chick has dark Green legs close to the color of the ee

If it's a girl and it's pretty, it's all good haha. I really have not a clue.

I ended up with basically 6 black birds (although hopefully they won't all be pitchblack), 2 white, 2 red. I like variety, but I simply wasn't patient enough to wait for TSC to get more
Hello, I am in Jacksonville, AL. I have 7 laying hens and three silkies. Might also be getting some quail soon. WAR EAGLE!!!!!
Hey CountryBoy16 - Weagle Weagle WDE right back atcha! Welcome to the ALABAMA page!

I don't have any chickens yet but I'm SO excited because I found out Sunday that my friend, who I've been purchasing my eggs from for the past year, is offering me about 6 of her older hens come June. She is getting more into the egg selling business full time so she wants younger, high egg producing birds. She really wants to re-home several of her older girls rather than kill them so she asked me if I would like to have them. Heck yeah!!
She says they are all tame and just love to be petted, etc. Now if I can get the hubby to get the coop and run built, I should be in business!! I figure with older birds that are already tame I can "get my feet wet" with them and add onto the flock as they cease to lay. The eggs are just for our use so I don't need to have 30-40 birds that are laying every day like she does. I go through about a dozen eggs a week so the older ladies and a few younger birds should be more than enough for my needs...unless, of course, I begin to suffer from that dreaded malady called chicken math and decide I can't live without at least 20 birds. Something tells me that if it gets that bad my husband will try to stage an intervention.
Hello, I am in Jacksonville, AL. I have 7 laying hens and three silkies. Might also be getting some quail soon. WAR EAGLE!!!!!
War Eagle! :)

I would love some quail eggs! Not for hatching or anything but for blowing out for Christmas decorations. Almost my whole tree is eggs now! And I saw the cutest wreath with quail eggs wired in with pretty spring ribbon on pinterest............

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