I have Dominique babies hatching!!!!!! Super excited, partly because I know that I'm supposed to be able to tell my hens from my roos fairly quickly, which means they the hubby can do subtraction to the chicken
I braved the weather to go check on my broodies and candle the eggs under one of them. Turns out there was only one egg left under her that was going to hatch. She stole an egg from somewhere else and it hadn't even started developing yet.
The remaining egg should hatch in the next day or so.
Been thinking about getting some mealies. They get all sorts of bugs and scrambled eggs, but sometimes I just don't feel like digging for worms and grubs

Watcha charge for 'em, RoosterFish?
Thank you! How are your babies doing???? Did you get a 2nd batch of eggs?

The silver greys were delivered as day olds, February 11th. I don't have a ton of experience with chickens (mostly ducks and geese), but the NPIP lady also commented on how big they are. They are also "fluffy", but when I picked them up, they are quite heavy. I would think meaties should be that way?

What does stand out is their ability to forage on those short tree trunk legs. So far, I really REALLY like them. My 4 week old reds seem to be afraid of me this week, but I have less time to spend talking to them in their brooder as spring progresses, and have more goslings to look after. Oh and the puppy. Geez....the puppy.

Silver grey, red and white are the most "normal" colors. The "colored" may only be recognized in England although I'm not sure on that. I don't plan on showing and will breed for type first. I want huge birds that make you say "wow". I prefer the darker colors but that can come later.

The five I got from the first batch are growing great! I am expecting the replacement eggs in today's mail. I wish I had known about this breed sooner. So far we are very pleased!

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