I have two hawks squawking, circling around my giant tulip tree, they even swooped down into the neighbors trees... They've been at it for 45 minutes. Roo is crowing like a mad man... They're locked in their coop, they had enough sense to run for cover.


Very unusual to see hawks in a subdivision.

Not sure if they're eyeing the chickens, they're really not very visible in their coop.

Maybe mating season? Or hunting for squirrels. The weather has been pretty grey and windy, it might have been tough to soar and they're hungry.

Made sure to bring the cat in.. he's such a skinny thing, they could fly off with him (I think my rooster weighs more than the cat).
i have had two circling around all day also. but lucky me i have a roo that will meet the hawk in the air.
Greetings from Fayette Co Alabama!

Raz, I feel your pain.. I lost some baby chicks last year to some neighborhood dogs. Luckily for them they haven't been back :)

Hello, Farmerboone!
i have had two circling around all day also. but lucky me i have a roo that will meet the hawk in the air.


My roo is about 10 weeks old.. he wouldn't make it. Their flying skills aren't that good.

It was new to me, you don't see the hawks in the subdivisions much.. They generally stick to the rural areas. Wonder if word about my chickens got around. I have been seeing them more frequently lately. Luckily the coop and their free range area is mostly under a large tree and I stay with them when they're out.
I just adopted 4 laying hens from some rough conditions. 2 are going through a hard molt, the other two have a light stress molt to them. Also they all.have been debeaked, or so it looks liken these poor girls are so sweet and scared. :( I have never seen debeaking but it is horrible. Any one else had special need chickens or debeaked birds? Are there any special rules about them?
I hate it when I have to suffer because of other people's stupidity. This morning our temp pen was attacked by 2 roaming pitt bulls. We lost 2 RIRs and Bob the RIR/BA.
Hennrietta hid in the grass and has a few feathers missing, my HRIR hid behind the banana trees behind our house, and the white game hen is missing a patch of feathers and skin on her belly. She's been bandaged up and she's still in shock, but she's coming out of it slowly.

There's no question as to what's going to happen to those dogs when we see them again. We know what they look like and they won't have the chance to it again.
So sad. . .sorry. . .Between dogs, (not all dogs), coons and hawks, it's a full-time job of vigilence to watch after the chickens. Kinda thinking (about the pitt bulls) of that milk commercial. . .GOT BULLETS?? Take care.

My roo is about 10 weeks old.. he wouldn't make it. Their flying skills aren't that good.

It was new to me, you don't see the hawks in the subdivisions much.. They generally stick to the rural areas. Wonder if word about my chickens got around. I have been seeing them more frequently lately. Luckily the coop and their free range area is mostly under a large tree and I stay with them when they're out.

So sad. . .sorry. . .Between dogs, (not all dogs), coons and hawks, it's a full-time job of vigilence to watch after the chickens. Kinda thinking (about the pitt bulls) of that milk commercial. . .GOT BULLETS?? Take care.

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