Great to finally meet Alabama chickens lovers! Thank you for the welcome. We were wondering if any of you guys sell your chickens and if so do you advertise on here or where do you sell them?
from Montgomery! Most of the time I sell to my local feed store and it's normally just AGF chicks. There are auctions in Millbrook and Clanton and a flea market in Santuck.
Went with a friend of mine and my son over to Atlanta to go to six flags and ikea yesterday and today. Hubby had to work both days so as usual all my babies were out roaming, but my mutt wasn't in and out laying around watching them, so the neighbors golden retriever decided he wanted to play with one of my Dom girls. Not sure if it was shock or if he hurt her but she died and he knew he had done something wrong. Neighbor said he was hiding under the car cowering with the baby close by when she found them. Neighbor was pretty upset and big puppy (who really just wants to play with everything and everyone) is getting chained up for several days as punishment. Since hubby will be home tomorrow we are finishing the run on the coop so they can go in there when we are gone and roam the yard when we are home.

On a happier note, big babies have learned where their "new" bed is. My son went out to put them all to bed after football workouts and 5 of the 6 big babies were already in their house. The "alfa" chicken (my roo who thinks he needs to flog me every so often (hubby says he thinks I'm one of his "women" and that he needs to keep me in and the 5 remaining little babies were out wondering around. It was like he was watching over My son walked around behind them for a few minutes and the roo decided he would go to bed, but was ready to attack when we tried to put the little ones in there (they've never been together at night). Thinking we need to section off part of the house so they can get used to being together in a closed space together. Oh the growing pains of being a chicken
My quail eggs are on their way!
That's always good news on a morning like this.

Yesterday was my "official" due date, but as you can see nothing happened. I suppose I'll know today whether or not I'll have to be induced and I'm hoping they say that I won't have to.
The thought scares me too much.
My quail eggs are on their way!
That's always good news on a morning like this.

Yesterday was my "official" due date, but as you can see nothing happened. I suppose I'll know today whether or not I'll have to be induced and I'm hoping they say that I won't have to.
The thought scares me too much.
Good luck Razadia! Hopefully you will have the baby soon!

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