I've got eggs in the 'bator, just candled them and they all look to be fertile. Anyone else hatching now? These will be mystery chicks, since I don't know what kind of hens laid them. The eggs were some my DH bought from someone who had bought them from someone else. I'll let y'all know when they hatch, and try to post pics.
yeah, me to. I only put in four though, they are just like test eggs to make sure my roo was doing his job. they are do to hatch next saturday
Okay, I've got a newbie question. I noticed about a week ago some long, thin worms (like tiny thin spaghetti) in some of the poop on the floor of the coop one morning. I also noticed what looked like partially digested tomato too although they haven't been eating anything red. Alarm bells went off and I ran out and bought some Wazine and gave them all a dose on Sunday of this week (1 oz in a 1 gallon waterer). Should I be seeing them passing dead worms by now? So far nothing. Or do I need to give them another dose? I'm still seeing pale red tomato looking stuff though. I'm worried.
Okay, I've got a newbie question.  I noticed about a week ago some long, thin worms (like tiny thin spaghetti) in some of the poop on the floor of the coop one morning.  I also noticed what looked like partially digested tomato too although they haven't been eating anything red.  Alarm bells went off and I ran out and bought some Wazine and gave them all a dose on Sunday of this week (1 oz in a 1 gallon waterer).  Should I be seeing them passing dead worms by now?  So far nothing.  Or do I need to give them another dose?  I'm still seeing pale red tomato looking stuff though.  I'm worried.

I'd give them another dose. Also ACV, as an antibiotic /antiseptic. Not mixed together though.
Crickett, I usually do add ACV into their water and it's in their fermented feed as well. I've also sprinkled garlic powder over their feed a few times as someone told me that was a good natural dewormer.
I give mine a 'power boost' if I suspect trouble. Oregano oil (powerful for infections), cinnamon (fights inflammation), garlic (dewormer), cayenne (dewormer) mixed with yogurt (probiotic). Smells AWFUL, but it clears up and intestinal yuckies within a day or two.

I don't give my birds medication if I can help it, but that's a personal choice. They seem extremely hardy, but I may just be lucky.

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