Two weeks ago I met Wisher and bought some of her totally sweet chicks. Well, meet Lucy. She is a Black Orpington and she is my favorite. totally laid back.

I'm just so smitten with her and thought ya'll should see her too.
I posted them backwards of how they were taken. She did NOT like the flash on my camera.

She is a little princess. She waits for the other piggies to be done eating before she goes to eat. At first I thought it was b/c she is bottom of pecking order but I think she is closer to the top. She pushes everyone out of the way when she is ready to get under the lamp.
And they move out of her way.
Is anyone in Birmingham?  How much snow did they get?  I'm not far but we only got maybe an inch.  From everything I have heard, it must be several feet.  

I'm from Birmingham. Yep, only about 2 inches. While there were the usual problems of people not knowing how to drive on snow, picking bad roads, following too close, etc, this snow was quite different from previous snowfalls. Normally it will fall and there will be clear wheel tracks and some slushy stuff, but this time the roads were cold enough and dry em ought that the whole road was coated. I looked out of my office about an hour after it started snowing and the roads were completely white even with traffic. I actually found it easier to drive on than normal but watched a lot of people either brake too late and too hard (going too fast inthe first place), or accelerate too quickly. In both cases they slid everywhere. Get enough of those folks littering the road and it becomes a slalom or just plain impassable.
Two weeks ago I met Wisher and bought some of her totally sweet chicks. Well, meet Lucy. She is a Black Orpington and she is my favorite. totally laid back.

I'm just so smitten with her and thought ya'll should see her too.

She is a beautiful bird. Good luck with them.
Looking for a few easter egger chicks and a few dark egg layers like copper marans in dothan area.

I know it isn't the Dothan area but Wisher has some chicks. She has marans, EE mix and some black Orps. I got 10 from her two weeks ago and they are very healthy nice birds. She is up near Birmingham. Also, I saw on Craigslist someone near us (I'm in Eprise) that has BCM hatching eggs.
We were lucky here in north central Alabama and didn't really get any accumulation during this arctic blast but this morning it was all of FIVE degrees when we went out to feed and water the birds. My husband took a picture of me with the cabbage "tether ball" I have set up for my girls. I can put a cabbage head out almost the size of a volleyball and they will have devoured it down to the screw in just about 3 hours.
Does anyone in this group use a brinsea incubator? If so did you buy it in state or online? What has been your experience with there products? Just doing some research and the company site says they have a Alabama distributor, but one isn't listed?

I bought my wife a Brinsea Mini Eco for Christmas. Our first eggs are due to come off this weekend. We set 9 eggs, I culled 4 last weekend that were not developing. I bought it from Amazon, had free shipping. I will be glad to let you know how things work out; just bear in mind that this is our first time trying to hatch and a failure could be our fault instead of the incubator.

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