What is the best incubatot for the lowest price?

A silky/cochin/wyandotte...

Sorry, couldn't resist. The plug in varieties.. I think the basic Little Giant is pretty affordable, but that's only if you turn the eggs by hand and don't have a fan. Once you start adding that stuff they get a bit pricier.
Been looking on youtube at homemade incubators. Wondering if my homeowners insurance would cover me if i put a old school light bulb into a styrofoam cooler. Im tired of this house anyway. Lol
Yeah, I saw them last year for 43.99 on sale. No turner or fan though.

How do you like it? Part of me wants to hatch some, part of me doesn't even want to start that madness!
Since it's the only kind I have, I like it well enough. My hatch rates have been pretty decent. I use a thermometer /hydrometer from Walmart. It was only about 9.00.

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