Wow. I dont think i can convince my wife to let me try to macguyver one of those. Not sure how to explain that these birds at some point will probably be our dinner either
Awwwww, those are the cutest little roosters!

What kind of goat is that? It looks so tiny!
she is a pygmy, her name is maddie
I'm starting to itch for some chicks... I may have to look around locally, if TSC doesn't have what I want this year!

I want a few brahmas, because that's just a coloring I don't have yet. (1 buff, 1 white)
I still want some Ameraucanas/Easter eggers/Olive eggers/possibly cream legbar, to add some color to the egg basket. (2 or 3 should do)
Maybe a welsummer, or a maran of some variety. Again, adding a little color to the basket.
I'm thinking about a Wyandotte or a Cochin.. something broody.
Whatever adds a pop of color to the flock, feather or egg wise. Must be LF, preferably not feather legged and must be friendly. No flighty birds here.

Lord, I am aching for some chicken algebra here.

I will be selling some of my current girls though. Don't wanna end up with a bunch of burned out birds in a year or two
Gotta keep a few new gals coming in each year. I'm thinking one of my partridge rocks will be sold, probably one of the Australorps.. maybe one of the production reds... Keeping both of my white rocks, they've been wonderful.

Anyone else got the spring chicken fever?

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