If only hatching chicks worked like hatching reptiles
Temperature-dependent sex determination would save a lot of money.
I have 1 chick that lays around alot. Is she sick or just lazy? My other 1s are roaming around forraging. Shes chillin in the coup. Shes only 11 weeks old
If only hatching chicks worked like hatching reptiles
Temperature-dependent sex determination would save a lot of money.

some one told me a couple years back that if the temp. is higher around 100 then it will produce more males and if its lower around 99 then more females. I've never tried this so I don't know how accurate it is though.
The gender of the chick that can hatches out of each egg is determined even before the egg is fertilized. The hen is the one that contributes the chromosome that determines sex. Now, there is some research that seems to point to the inability of the male embryo to survive higher temps, therefore, if the temp is consistently higher than normal, or if there is one or more spikes, the males may die off. That would result in more females being hatched.
The gender of the chick that can hatches out of each egg is determined even before the egg is fertilized. The hen is the one that contributes the chromosome that determines sex. Now, there is some research that seems to point to the inability of the male embryo to survive higher temps, therefore, if the temp is consistently higher than normal, or if there is one or more spikes, the males may die off. That would result in more females being hatched.

yeah I knew the sex came from the female, that's why I didn't know how true what he told me was. thanks for chiming in on that.
Chuck. His hatch almost all female. I wish I new why. From 8 Marans, I got 5 girls and 2 boys. From 12 Legbar I got 5 girls and 1 boy. From 12 Easter Eggers 10 girls 2 boys. I'd love to have that from my eggs.

I am excited about this. They are beautiful. I am going to put them all together and see what colors I get. Iwill probably have chicks in 3 months. I can always hatch a few extra.
Are you talking about Chuck's Clucks? My dad mentioned him and doesn't live far from him. He wasn't sure what breeds Chuck had. I don't want to add the stress of hatching eggs this time though.. maybe next year after I get sucked in ;)
Yep, same guy. I have to say I would love to have that hatching ratio too! Most of my hatches have been mostly (60 - 70%) males. I have had one small hatch (6 eggs) that was all female, but that is an exception.
I have hatched Langshans 3 times. I only have 7 from the shipped eggs. All male.

Are you talking about Chuck's Clucks? My dad mentioned him and doesn't live far from him. He wasn't sure what breeds Chuck had. I don't want to add the stress of hatching eggs this time though.. maybe next year after I get sucked in ;)
He has Legbars, Rhodebars, Copper Marans, Chocolate Orpingtons, Easter Eggers and a few more. I think if you buy eggs he migth hatch them as well for a dollar an egg or something like that. I'm not positive. He's a really nice guy. These are my roosters from him. The first is 4 month Black Copper Marans, 7 month Copper Splash Marans and 8 month Easter Egger.

Maybe I need to find that guy *laugh* I want legbars or easter eggers and a marans wouldn't hurt either.


Well, this is my last early wake-up call from the rooster (Roody, Roobidoo, RooRoo, Roofus). Today he will be picked up by his new owner and get to live with three lovely girls of his own. He's been good over the past weeks, not waking us too often, but I guess he figured he needed a last goodbye. Figured I'd best take a last picture.. and well, the bathroom is where he is residing now (since I had to go catch him so he wouldn't wake up the whole darn neighborhood).

21 weeks and still growing more handsome
I have hatched Langshans 3 times.  I only have 7 from the shipped eggs.  All male.

He has Legbars, Rhodebars, Copper Marans, Chocolate Orpingtons, Easter Eggers and a few more.  I think if you buy eggs he migth hatch them as well for a dollar an egg or something like that.  I'm not positive.  He's a really nice guy.  These are my roosters from him.  The first is 4 month Black Copper Marans, 7 month Copper Splash Marans and 8 month Easter Egger.

I got my Marans and legbars from him as chicks. That was before I started incubating for myself. The $1 per egg hatching sounds right. I think that he got a sportsman incubator last year. I have always found him to be good to walk with.

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