I will have to look when I go to work, to be sure. But going toward Tuscumbia it's on the left. But you can ask at any store, some will give them away. Others send them back.
Change of subject right fast, I have 7 hens, 8 nesting boxes, but I have 3 hens cramped into 1 box. I was going to separate them, but there is no way to differentiate the eggs. Right now there are 25 eggs. My plan is when somebody hatches, just move the hen that has been there the longest, with the babies. What do you think? Or can someone tell me a better way,.
I was so hoping not to get everyone broody at the same time AGAIN But, nature rules, not me. I still have so much to learn.
Change of subject right fast, I have 7 hens, 8 nesting boxes, but I have 3 hens cramped into 1 box. I was going to separate them, but there is no way to differentiate the eggs. Right now there are 25 eggs. My plan is when somebody hatches, just move the hen that has been there the longest, with the babies. What do you think? Or can someone tell me a better way,.
I was so hoping not to get everyone broody at the same time AGAIN But, nature rules, not me. I still have so much to learn.

I'd just separate them, take a few eggs and put under them. Doesn't have to be "their " eggs, just separate the eggs into three batches, and let a biddy set each batch.
They didn't all get in at the same time, the first has at least 2 weeks on the last one,and she only had 10 eggs. That's why I was concerned about moving them now. I dont want to kill a bunch of eggs. Do you still think it's ok?
What I do with those staggered hatches by my broody hens is I just gather up the chickies each day after they dry and bring them inside to the brooder box so the hen dosn't try to abandon the nest. I have 3 broody Silkie hens and 1 Silver Phoenix all on the same group of eggs doing a marathon hatching. The other Silkies just keep adding more eggs and I put some of my Orps under them when my Orphs give me an egg. I don't use an incubator because I never can get a good hatch out of it, so I just use my Broody's to hatch them for me.

So do you give them back later? And does the hen just give up? Sorry , I know I always have tons of questions. But I swear when I think I have figured out, just a little bit, they(the chickens) go and change everything. I was worried they were going to try to kill each other, like the last time, but, NO, they are all going to pile up in 1 stinking box.

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