Four and a half months old
Ok, i am definitely interested in the 3 Barred Rocks. I am still somewhat new to taking care of chickens, and if you had told me 6 months ago that I would be in love with chickens I would have laughed! I just have a few questions. Have they been handled a lot? Mine are pretty friendly and I am hoping your daughters chickens would be also. ( I am assuming if she raised them for 4-H they probably are). Do you think they would integrate well with my 5 month 1 week old chickens? I only have 1 BO that is laying. Where in Dekalb county are you? I am in Argo which is about 35 minutes from Gadsden...

Thanks so much!! I look forward to hearing from you!
Ok, i am definitely interested in the 3 Barred Rocks.  I am still somewhat new to taking care of chickens, and if you had told me 6 months ago that I would be in love with chickens I would have laughed! I just have a few questions. Have they been handled a lot? Mine are pretty friendly and I am hoping your daughters chickens would be also. ( I am assuming if she raised them for 4-H they probably are).  Do you think they would integrate well with my 5 month 1 week old chickens? I only have 1 BO that is laying. Where in Dekalb county are you? I am in Argo which is about 35 minutes from Gadsden...

Thanks so much!! I look forward to hearing from you!

Sent you a pm, oh and Henagar, AL
I have a few English Orps hatching today $10/each

Blues, Blacks, Splash

Beautiful, calm lovely birds for the yard and lay nice big brown eggs! (well....the hens do!)

Located just South of Birmingham

Thank you SOOO much Kimberly! All the baby Orps are in their new home and running around happily in their big plastic box. Once they got settled in they started eating like little machines.

They are so cute!
Hi Kim, please keep me in mind for your next batch of BBS chicks. I know we PM'd about me buying a couple of older chicks from you but I think I want to wait until you have baby chicks available again. This past week I bought a couple of 6 week old Chocolate Orp pullets (at least I think they are pullets :) ) and while they are sweet, nothing compares to being able to bond with the baby chicks. Thanks!!
I got a rir hen from a friend and all she does is sit in a corner beside the nest I got her up today put her on top of the little coop that's in the pen and gave her water she drank water and walked around up there for a while then went back to her spot not sure what's going on with her help!!!
I got a rir hen from a friend and all she does is sit in a corner beside the nest I got her up today put her on top of the little coop that's in the pen and gave her water she drank water and walked around up there for a while then went back to her spot not sure what's going on with her help!!!

Might be stress, might have an egg halfway down the chute and not comfortable enough to lay it, could be sick.... can be anything. Give her time, don't mess too much with her and keep her by herself.

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