My place looks like that. I have a plan, though. I am opening a large area for them to free range this Winter/Fall. Their small run (17x50) I will smooth out and sow down with some fescue. In the old coop, I am going to put chicks this Spring. When the grass comes up, they ought to be old enough to go out in that small run. In the big free range place I sowed it with some winter rye. Chickens aren't out there right now, so they will have grass this winter.
Tom-- would love to see the babies! I know the blues I kept are getting as big as the adults.
chickens pecking would ruin overseeding their space. I'm glad my waterfowl are separate from the clucks.
Geese are HEAVY grazers.
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Tom-- would love to see the babies! I know the blues I kept are getting as big as the adults.
chickens pecking would ruin overseeding their space. I'm glad my waterfowl are separate from the clucks.
Geese are HEAVY grazers.
Love the pics of your geese you put on Facebook for sale.
If only I had the space.
My place looks like that. I have a plan, though. I am opening a large area for them to free range this Winter/Fall. Their small run (17x50) I will smooth out and sow down with some fescue. In the old coop, I am going to put chicks this Spring. When the grass comes up, they ought to be old enough to go out in that small run. In the big free range place I sowed it with some winter rye. Chickens aren't out there right now, so they will have grass this winter.

I've got a big yard, considering we're in a subdivision. 1/3 acre overall. I let them out to free-range every once in a while, but they just love to get into my vegetable garden
In the summer I wont let them free-range much because of the garden and the kids like to play outside and chicken poop everywhere isn't great then. In the fall until spring they get out more, but gotta be supervised so the hawks don't come and have a meal.
DUCKDUCKS! Or should I say duckducks and a boat? He's a biggun.

The chickens are eating crumble off the backs of the ducks. They're messy.

He's a beast haha

Orps, that's your little one in the foreground. And the duckducks walking away from the crazy lady.

Yup, not dealing with the crazy lady...
I am sad today
I got home from having surgery this morning and my Rooster Hercules is missing. I let them free range during the day and they get locked up at night and I guess something happened today. There are no signs of any attack so I have no idea what happened. Is there a possibility that he will return or is it pretty likley he is gone for good?
Oh, I'm sorry. Is there any chance he got caught in a shed, under a tub, or otherwise stuck somewhere he can't get out? I had a hen go into the open door of our shop when I was working in there and when I locked up, she was still inside, unnoticed. I thought she just didn't come in to roost that night but found her three days later, dead, in the shop. I felt so bad. I have also had them disappear without a trace and never return. See if you can find any feathers where an attack could have happened. He may have rushed to help a hen and was taken by the predator, himself. It that is the case, he died protecting his ladies, and there is no more honorable way for a rooster to go. It's his job.
Oh, I'm sorry.  Is there any chance he got caught in a shed, under a tub, or otherwise stuck somewhere he can't get out?  I had a hen go into the open door of our shop when I was working in there and when I locked up, she was still inside, unnoticed.  I thought she just didn't come in to roost that night but found her three days later, dead, in the shop. I felt so bad.  I have also had them disappear without a trace and never return.  See if you can find any feathers where an attack could have happened.  He may have rushed to help a hen and was taken by the predator, himself. It that is the case, he died protecting his ladies, and there is no more honorable way for a rooster to go.  It's his job.

We don't have a shed or anything. My husband got up early this morning and is still looking for him. Maybe he will hear some crowing!

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