I have a crazy question!!
I am hoping to beat the winter and get ready now. I have to go pick up some hay for the ground, but I was wondering how much if any tarp I should use. My run is 20 feet long by 10 feet wide. The roost is 5 feet by 4 feet. it has 2 rooms and a walk way that is covered. Right now I have 8 feet over the roost covered but wanted to ask before I added any more. The coop stands in front of my tractor shed (the shed is in the east) so the sun will set in front of the coop and rise behind it. the north is were the door is. any suggestions would be awesome. thanks
this is my first winter with them and i want the all to make it threw

I have a crazy question!!
I am hoping to beat the winter and get ready now. I have to go pick up some hay for the ground, but I was wondering how much if any tarp I should use. My run is 20 feet long by 10 feet wide. The roost is 5 feet by 4 feet. it has 2 rooms and a walk way that is covered. Right now I have 8 feet over the roost covered but wanted to ask before I added any more. The coop stands in front of my tractor shed (the shed is in the east) so the sun will set in front of the coop and rise behind it. the north is were the door is. any suggestions would be awesome. thanks
this is my first winter with them and i want the all to make it threw

JKnox, you should probably cover the north SIDE of the pen with a tarp. Otherwise if they can roost and get out of the wind , they will be fine in our alabama winter's. Here's a pic of mine at 10 degrees last year. they puff up to stay warm and might have got some warm oatmeal. lol

He is just beautiful! How bad were his "puppy days" ?? Did you raise him with the chickens at that point or confined or in the house??

He is only 7 months old and is STILL a puppy and will be for probably another year. He likes to chew and run and jump same as any pup but he is so sweet and listens extremely well for the breed. He is very helpful and understands his role already with the other animals. He barks at night (we have a big bad coyote population up here on Sand Mtn) Keeps the cats away from the little chickens. Lays out in the pasture with the chickens. He likes to visit the horses and cows too. I've had more trouble with him wanting to play with the cats than anything. He is not trying to be mean or hurt them he is just trying to play and he is too big and they are too little for him to wallow around on. He has never offered to do anything but watch the chickens. He has always been our front porch puppy and the chickens have just been a part of the usual things here at his home. The folks we bought him from has free range chickens, and they have pigs, goats, miniature cattle, so he was born on a farm with all those things as a normal. So when we got him as a pup his mom had already explained to him that this is what we do etc. and these are our animals to watch over.
I've had problems lately with cats, IDK if it is a stray or belongs to a neighbor, I caught one trying to pull a baby out of the play-pen. It no longer breaths! But I can't catch this one, he don't go near my traps,and I haven't actually seen him doing anything more than lurking.My buddy Conde, the black mutt I have, has turned out to be a great watch dog,He loves to chase off the cats and anything else that happens to get in but I still don't trust him enough to leave him out all day while I'm working. He hasn't shown interest in my chickens in a long time. But I still wouldn't trust him for an entire day with no supervision.

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