Wisher, your grandkids are eating me out of house and home.

Not suprising, I mean, I went from 13 hens to having 13 hens and 15 juvenile birds, it's no wonder I go through double the food
I need to get the little cockerels seperate and get them on a finishing feed... they're eating layer right now and that just wont do. They're a pack of T-rexes around the food dish.. the hens just stand back and watch the carnage
They eat when the little pigs are done.

They're lovely little things though, so pretty
It's so much fun watching their colors develop.

Starting to see more Marans type coloring in some.
Ok, so I talked over my chick order with dad to see what sort of compromise we could come to and I have his final decision on what's ok. So it's come down to a RIR male, it can't be too large of an order, brown layers only, and no weird breeds. I can live with that. I can still get some of the breeds I want and make him happy at the same time. I just can't have any feather legged breed, but that's ok.

Also, my BIL has an egg in his pocket and isn't answering his phone. :D
Ok, so I talked over my chick order with dad to see what sort of compromise we could come to and I have his final decision on what's ok. So it's come down to a RIR male, it can't be too large of an order, brown layers only, and no weird breeds. I can live with that. I can still get some of the breeds I want and make him happy at the same time. I just can't have any feather legged breed, but that's ok.

Also, my BIL has an egg in his pocket and isn't answering his phone. :D

Is your BIL hatching it in his pocket?
Ok, so I talked over my chick order with dad to see what sort of compromise we could come to and I have his final decision on what's ok. So it's come down to a RIR male, it can't be too large of an order, brown layers only, and no weird breeds. I can live with that. I can still get some of the breeds I want and make him happy at the same time. I just can't have any feather legged breed, but that's ok.

Also, my BIL has an egg in his pocket and isn't answering his phone. :D

Is your BIL hatching it in his pocket?

It would be hilarious and a little weird if it did!
Ok, so I talked over my chick order with dad to see what sort of compromise we could come to and I have his final decision on what's ok. So it's come down to a RIR male, it can't be too large of an order, brown layers only, and no weird breeds. I can live with that. I can still get some of the breeds I want and make him happy at the same time. I just can't have any feather legged breed, but that's ok.

Also, my BIL has an egg in his pocket and isn't answering his phone. :D

He does understand "weird" breeds, feather legged, and white eggs layers all still lay eggs that taste like eggs. I'm with bama dude I think the hatchery got your order mixed up with somebody else's :)
Raz: sometimes its better to ask for forgiveness rather than permission... I would pretend the hatchery made a mistake

Ok, so I talked over my chick order with dad to see what sort of compromise we could come to and I have his final decision on what's ok. So it's come down to a RIR male, it can't be too large of an order, brown layers only, and no weird breeds. I can live with that. I can still get some of the breeds I want and make him happy at the same time. I just can't have any feather legged breed, but that's ok.

Also, my BIL has an egg in his pocket and isn't answering his phone. :D

He does understand "weird" breeds, feather legged, and white eggs layers all still lay eggs that taste like eggs. I'm with bama dude I think the hatchery got your order mixed up with somebody else's :)

He changed his mind, which is not unusual. He would rather let me hatch RIR and maran eggs. Though, I don't actually get to keep the maran chicks. I'm doing this as a favor for my favorite feed store. They want someone they trust to hatch a small batch so they can see how well they sell. So I'm trying and failing to find a dozen of each.
They are a lot of fun to watch. I just thought they would be dumb chickens that would provide me with a dozen or so eggs a week, but actually they've each got a personality. Momma hen can be tough at times but at the end of the day they all cuddle up with each other in the coop and go to sleep.

I think they are finally starting to warm up to me a bit. They used to run from me when I went in the coop but now they come up to me. They just want my food but it's a start lol. I've got a fenced in coop inside of a fenced in backyard. I'm thinking about letting them free range out in the backyard some inside of the fence. Is this a good/bad idea? How long do you think I should wait to try this?
That is a good use for treats. Just be careful that you don't give them too much. I know you want to make sure everybody gets some, but they will come faster and closer if you only bring a little. They will quickly see that they will miss out if they are slow. Also, too many treats will throw off the balance of nutrition in your feed.

As to free ranging, give them a week or so to be certain where they sleep at night, and make note of the time they go to roost in the evenings. The first time or three that you let them out, open the door about an hour before they usually go up to roost. That way, you won't have to chase them back in, they will go on their own. Then call them in with a few treats when it is time to go to roost to train them to come when called while out on range. Mine love to free range and will wait at the door, just in case they can. They will also come to the coop for treats whenever I need them inside.
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