Jayare: I get my seeds from pepper joe. They are a little longer than a habanero and ripen red. They have bumpy skin and a point on the bottom.
Ghost peppers are pretty hot. If you want to burn both ends try the Carolina Reaper. Those are the hottest peppers on earth
How long does it take to hatch eggs? 35days?

33 to 37 days, 35 being the usual time.

So sorry, BexB. That has to be an awful sight to come home to

The eggs should be fine, our outside temps are fairly high. I read an article on Metzer's a while back, where eggs just hatched later after a power outage. Heat is what will do an egg in for sure, a dip in temp. just delays hatch.

I've had two hens live from a hawk attack. Keep the wounds clean, if there's a opening into the body, rinse it out regularly with a deluted iodine rinse, fill cavity with neosporin.. once it starts healing you may have to make sure no feathers grow into the wound. I had to do that with my worst hen... but her wound was BAD. Superficial wounds can be treated with blukote. Both made a full recovery and are laying again. You would never know they got attacked by a hawk.


I'm sure hubby feels terrible too.
Thank you guys. This is the best group ever. Southern hospitality at its finest.
I knew that there was risk with free ranging it just hit me super hard that it was a pet that caused such mess. That coupled with the fact that there is fencing,post,and gates covered in dust on my carport. I just had me a little moment!

On a happier note, I have sweet corn,beans, okra peeking at me!!! The rest I can't tell if it's a veggie or a weed coming up.
Thank you guys. This is the best group ever. Southern hospitality at its finest.
I knew that there was risk with free ranging it just hit me super hard that it was a pet that caused such mess. That coupled with the fact that there is fencing,post,and gates covered in dust on my carport. I just had me a little moment!

On a happier note, I have sweet corn,beans, okra peeking at me!!! The rest I can't tell if it's a veggie or a weed coming up.

Oh I know that feeling. I've had bathroom tile and a sink sitting in my diningroom for almost 2 years
Ofcourse, that's not going to cause any deaths... but the procrastination factor is there.

Pets are the worst.. they don't kill for a meal. They just follow this itchy instinct that says "that looks like fun, let's kill them all" and then they're on their way. I hate senseless death. Death to feed I can justify to myself atleast.

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