Need? No.... Want? Yes :lol:

I got 19 birds.. in my freaking backyard. Remember when we built the thing? Remember when I said we wanted 8-10 chickens? Remember when I said 14 would be the absolute max? Apparently 19 is the new max. :rolleyes:


Guilty! I wanted 3 or 4 hens. Wanted Barred Rocks - got 4 different breeds no BRs.

white peach


Thornless goji berry

So jealous of all the fruit plants you guys have so I got a couple of new plants
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Does anyone in the Shoals area have any recommendations on where to get some pullets or adult hens. My pops and I should have our coop finished this weekend...maybe...if more "important" yard work doesn't get in the way!
Now, Kim. You know that you bought those because they were cute and you imagined how pretty the SLW are when they are grown. The only reason you want to get rid of them now is because they are in that awkward stage. Hang on to them, they'll get better!
DerkMc, Rocking Y out here on the Savanna Hiway has some EE & RIR chicks they just got in. I stopped in there a few days ago and picked up 8 EE's. I know they ain't grown up birds like your wanting but you can raise those little fuzz balls up. It only takes a few months.... he he

On another note you could also check out the Crump Flea Market over in Savanna every weekend. They have all kinds of birds up there for sale. I picked up a dozen Quail there last year and I think they had every type of Feathered bird imaginable.


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