I unfortunately don't live in Alabama anymore but I am forever an Alabama girl born and raised and make my way back there every chance I get! My family is still in the Auburn area WAR EAGLE!!! My entire family are Auburn alum. I just got my first chickens in April they are almost 8 weeks old. I hope Yall don't mind me busting in since I don't technically live in Alabama anymore lol
Welcome to the Alabama thread! Everyone is welcome! Roll Tide!
Looks like only 6 of the 12 Purple Peppers are growing, they are about 2 inches now. I planted 6 of the Birdhouse Gourds with my Pole Beans so they could climb up the same fence. I can't tell if any of them are growing yet. I haven't been able to really look at them to see if any of them are growing with the beans yet since we have been getting all this rain. I planted about 12 of the Multi colored bell peppers and I don't think any of them have come up yet. I briefly looked at the garden yesterday in between all the rain showers and pointed out to where all those were planted to my wife so she would know they are planted.

I planted 12 tomato plants and 1 of them didn't make it but I noticed 3 tomato plants growing randomly in the garden from my Compost Bin I spread out in the garden. I even got about 10 Cantaloupe and a couple Zucchini growing from the Compost also. I transplanted them when they started growing so they have their own spot to grow instead of all over in the garden like they were.

Hi and welcome @kristaschics15.
There is no place like home. What kind of chicks do you have?
So true! Georgia isn't so bad but not home. Not yet.
I have 2 silver laced Wyandottes, 2 Easter eggers and 1 red sex link. I just couldn't leave the store without the cutie pie yellow chickie.
she's my favorite too hah.
Hi all -- I'll be pruning this lovely "New Dawn" lady with welding gloves sometime this week. Like most women -- she's vicious when messed with, and has lovely talon thorns. Alas she's worth it.....
Free cuttings if anyone is near enough and wants to try and root some. 35040 zip code / Shelby County

What's up everyone. I'm in the Montgomery area new to site and to having a flock. I am working on my coop now and researching breeds that do well in my area. Would like to meet people in my area and talk birds. Anyone know about the Auction in Eclectic? Is it worth checking out? What kind have birds y'all found that do well here? Thanks for all the help I have received so far. This is a great site!
What's up everyone. I'm in the Montgomery area new to site and to having a flock. I am working on my coop now and researching breeds that do well in my area. Would like to meet people in my area and talk birds. Anyone know about the Auction in Eclectic? Is it worth checking out? What kind have birds y'all found that do well here? Thanks for all the help I have received so far. This is a great site!

Hello and welcome from Dale County.
What are you looking for in your flock? Cool colored birds, cool colored eggs, big birds, small birds, poofy headed birds, fluffy furry birds, birds for meat??? Everything works well here with proper ventilation in your coop and some shade

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