
Mine too!
Ok, I deserved that! Here's what actually happened.
We had a tree limb fall on the power lines and snap them.

I had to kill a opossum in one of the coops. It was another young one like the two I gave away.

My first set of eggs under the Chantie hen from a few weeks ago went bad. I think she broke a few of them and the rest got bacteria in them. She abandoned the second set I put under her for some unknown reason. It's possible there's another opossum hanging around and scared her off them. She's not broody anymore, so I'm just going to collect eggs from everyone and hatch them in the bator.

Cool picture of the wire burning. Glad you were able to photograph it. Power went off at work last night for about 5 minutes. Just long enough for me to find a flashlight.
I have a purebred imported strain English Blue Orpington rooster who is about 26 weeks old and he needs a new home.

He is a gorgeous bird and he takes care of his ladies in every way. Free to a good home with other chickens. Add some significant new genetics to your flock!

This is no average bird! He is two to three times the size of the Black Australorp hen I have.

No shipping!

I am close to Auburn Alabama (War Eagle!

You can call me at 510-378-8605. Would appreciate a good youngish hen in trade but not required.


OMG Greg -- he is GORGEOUS!!!! Stop it!!! He actually look chocolate if that is possible. lol

Mine too!
Ok, I deserved that! Here's what actually happened.
We had a tree limb fall on the power lines and snap them.

I had to kill a opossum in one of the coops. It was another young one like the two I gave away.

My first set of eggs under the Chantie hen from a few weeks ago went bad. I think she broke a few of them and the rest got bacteria in them. She abandoned the second set I put under her for some unknown reason. It's possible there's another opossum hanging around and scared her off them. She's not broody anymore, so I'm just going to collect eggs from everyone and hatch them in the bator.

WOW -- how scary! Quicky question: Aren't chanti's like a breed from Canada? WHY would you have them in Alabama to suffer our heat? They may not do well here, but then again they may do fine. I have Dorkings which are supposedly "fragile", and they are anything but fragile. lol
I've been gone too long, had to go through a dozen pages

I've got two broodies now, silly black Australorp/JG thing is still at it... it's been like 2 months.. and no, there are no eggs under her
I had put a late hatching muscovy egg under her and she attacked when it started hatching (I was there with her, so I intervened, it was fine). My orange/wheaten/splash marans thing is broody too. I thought she was egg bound, but I think she's just plain ol' broody. No eggs under her either
Broody for hire anyone?

Everyone has started laying: I have 4 oliver eggers, 1 green egger, 1 brown layer and 3 blue out of the 9 pullets I got from Wisher.

Muscovy are getting big. Got 15 babies left. We lost 3 very early on. Afraid they wandered off and got lost/became dinner. I had no idea how far these guys wander from mom when they're a day old
So now they're in a pen with mom.. until they're too big to squeeze through the chain link.

We've got a LOOOT of eggs coming. I got 14 yesterday! And that's with 2 broodies.
I've been gone too long, had to go through a dozen pages

I've got two broodies now, silly black Australorp/JG thing is still at it... it's been like 2 months.. and no, there are no eggs under her
I had put a late hatching muscovy egg under her and she attacked when it started hatching (I was there with her, so I intervened, it was fine). My orange/wheaten/splash marans thing is broody too. I thought she was egg bound, but I think she's just plain ol' broody. No eggs under her either
Broody for hire anyone?

Everyone has started laying: I have 4 oliver eggers, 1 green egger, 1 brown layer and 3 blue out of the 9 pullets I got from Wisher.

Muscovy are getting big. Got 15 babies left. We lost 3 very early on. Afraid they wandered off and got lost/became dinner. I had no idea how far these guys wander from mom when they're a day old
So now they're in a pen with mom.. until they're too big to squeeze through the chain link.

We've got a LOOOT of eggs coming. I got 14 yesterday! And that's with 2 broodies.

As much as I complained about all my chickens going broody and would not go out of broodiness, I wished 1 would still stay that way until my 1 duck egg hatched. They all left the nest with chicks in tow. Good thing I've moved the 1 duck egg into the incubator.

And Wow on the amount of eggs you are getting. But glad you are finally getting all sort of different color eggs. I know that what you wanted last year.
Did some chicken shaming today- i showed that brood of freeloaders what eggs looked like. All they cared about was treats from the kitchen. The neighbors 3 year old hens are still producing.

Anyone in the Birmingham area have any Keets for sale. I'd like maybe 6
As much as I complained about all my chickens going broody and would not go out of broodiness, I wished 1 would still stay that way until my 1 duck egg hatched. They all left the nest with chicks in tow. Good thing I've moved the 1 duck egg into the incubator.

And Wow on the amount of eggs you are getting. But glad you are finally getting all sort of different color eggs. I know that what you wanted last year.

They're lovely. I can't believe I am basically getting more green and blue than brown eggs
My original hens are slowing down, but those little ladies are pumping 'em out.

Just let me know if you want some again, I've got 3 boxes ready to go
$2 a dozen. I can throw a few muscovy eggs in there if you like, those are fertile (or they make great scrambled eggs and baked goods!)

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