Orps how are the Cochins?

They are doing great. I loan them out to a photographer friend for a photoshoot awhile back. I will say they weren't happy about the bath I gave them before the shoot.
But I bought them raw shrimp as treats so they forgave me.

Don't laugh but I have a vacation plan for them this summer. The whole flock is going to the country for a week and get spoiled by another of my friends who wants to try out raising chickens. (I'm assuming she is thinking of getting some for bug control because she is vegan.)

Right now, they are both broody and I'm so... tempted to find some eggs and put it under them. I would ask the group to the to tell me how much a bad idea it is but it's like an AAA person going to a bar and asking for support
What age do your hens typically become broody? I have some 2 year old RIR and Ameraucanas and none have ever gone broody. I also have 1 year old Barred Rocks and Dominique crosses that also have never gone broody.

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