Hope everyone is okay after the storms!

Also - I’m looking for a drake (male duck). Preferably an adult, mating age. Will take anything except runner, mallard (or any other bantam duck), Muscovy, and Pekin.

Thank you,

Hi all! I'm new here! I'm in Mccalla and will be looking for some Easter Eggers and Dominiques come spring (I have been given a limit of four chickens.... for now)! l am looking for older chickens (i.e. not eggs or chicks) as this will be my first flock and I'm not confident with raising chicks just yet (and I do not want a rooster because our neighbor works strictly 3rd shift and I would hate to do that to him being a former 3rd shift worker myself.) I don't mind if I get them from a breeder/hatchery or from someone who is looking to re-home. I am willing to travel as well so no worries there.

We are going to start building the coop next month and have been drawing up plans for weeks. We are wanting to building a coop on an old 8 foot trailer that will be half coop, half fenced in run, and then having the pen open during the day, and locked up at night. They will have access to the coop and run 24/7 (with 1/2" hard wire mesh - no chicken wire).

However, I didn't even think about the stray cats that run around (we have only seen one raccoon - two months ago - no signs of him since) They are pretty well fed (multiple neighbors feed them). I'm hoping that any future chickens will be safe. There are a few free ranged chickens down the street that seem to be doing alright, so I'm hopeful I can keep to my original plans of . Please let me know your experiences with stray felines! I will make adjustments to our plans if necessary!!

Also any coop design suggestions, favorite feeders/waters, and any other tips or tricks would be greatly appreciated!
Hey folks, hope all is well for other Alabama members! I'm sure you can relate when I say this rain isn't giving much of a break to get things done. Plants are blooming thinking we've hit Spring already! How are things out there for everyone?

Hey folks! A friendly heads up for any hummingbird lovers- we live in central AL and just had our first visitor today. Fill up a feeder with a tad bit of nectar so they can come visit!

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