@Luckyducksinbama - I do not at this time, but our little Khaki fella sure loves a good lettuc snack. Right now, we only have one duck (photo of mine, him as a youngster). His mate passed last year, but we ended up rescuing a chicken and they made best friends and he's been so happy with her! We've raised small groups of Khakis over the years.
for real!!! Extra hay in the coops last night and we literally took all our water lines apart drained them and put a heater on in the well so hopefully when we hook it all back up this morning, no frozen lines :) - crazy weather,
for real!!! Extra hay in the coops last night and we literally took all our water lines apart drained them and put a heater on in the well so hopefully when we hook it all back up this morning, no frozen lines :) - crazy weather,
Our outside lines are frozen. Had to fill up waterer from inside. Hopefully they will thaw with no issues. I did drain the lines Friday evening. 🤞
It's definitely caused some issues. Night before last, none of the water froze and all was still well, but last night everything iced. I will say, this whole Winter I have not yet once seen a full 5 gallon bucket freeze entirely up like we have in past years.

Almost time for Ruby-throated Hummingbirds, y'all! Two reports on Journey North from Alabama here lately. We are expecting one any day now - had the feeder out since March 1st and keeping it changed with fresh nectar and have a game camera on it. Hang those feeders out now to welcome them in!
I have to deter wild birds from my place (no bird houses, feeders, or waterers) because my cats always kill them :( They’re beautiful but if I lure them here they won’t survive.

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