Just wanted to say Hi to all. Hope everyone is great. We have been sick for 2 weeks. I'm ready to get out of this house and get to work. I want to hatch some baby chicks but I have to have a safe place for them. Really just trying to stay in touch with new chicken friends. Isn't there more here from Alabama? Lets here from you. Moon79
Great to here from you. My dad lived out there for years when I was growing up and I spent some time in Anehyme. Went to disney world and and swam in the ocean. That was a long time ago, Old Yellow was showing at the walk in and my brother and I went to see it, my first time to the movies. Ha Ha. I Love that movie. Proud you are in the Navy, you stay safe and write any time. If you get out of the Navy will you come back to Alabama? I know you don't have chickens on the ships, not any with feathers any way, HA HA ? Moon79
Roll Tide
All right another Alabama thread. I am up here in the North West corner of the state in the Florence / Muscle Shoals area and have the chickens listed at the bottom of my posts.
I just retired from the U.S. COAST GUARD last summer and moved down here from Alaska.

And I learned how to say ROLL TIDE a long time ago.

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Hello all!! New to the sight and live right out side of Dothan. BamaChicken is one of my nieghbors. Getting ready to retire from the Army and can finally have some critters again. Just bought an incubator and have started hatching a few eggs.
Another Alabamian here, from the north-central part, between Athens / Decatur / Huntsville.

My chickens: Ameraucanas, Buff Orpingtons, Black Jersey Giants, Barred Rocks, and a rooster named McLovin who's half Rhode Island Red, half something else.

My chicks: Buff Golden Polish, White Crested Black Polish, Rhode Island Reds, Delawares, a Dominique (the "free rare chick"
) and more Ameraucanas.

I'm probably going to be buying an incubator soon to start hatching some of these fertile eggs I've been eating.
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