Alagaesia - a human, dwarf, urgal, elf, dragon, wherecat, and others RP - re-start!

eragon calmly looked up at blizz "good evening, how are you today?" he asked her.
"Eragon-elda," she said, dipping her head respectfully, "i arrived here a short while ago and i was wondering if you could assign me a mentor." she said. ((prefferably not one of my characters))

"sophia???" Shark thought/yelled. "are you alright?" he asked, genuinly conserned.
Sophia heard a faint voice calling her name, she turned her head, trying to see where it was coming from, she let out a loud bugle to whoever was calling her, basically saying they were too far apart to speak.
eragon rubbed his head, a long list of hundreds of possible mentors for blizz, he was halfway through the list "you'll have to forgive me, I can't think of one now.... maybe you could find one at the masked ball tonight?" he sugested.
the team of four riders (including one of yours cayuga) landed on the second island "set up camp!"
the leader shouted "we'll leave early tomorrow morning" he said.
Dragon Form.
Name: Unnknown.
Age: Unknown.
Gender: Unknown.
Appearance: Unknown.

Rider: Cirnelle Taralom.

Username: Cirnelle.

Rider Form

Name: Cirnelle Taralom.
Age: 22
Gender: Female.
Race: Elf.
Appearance: She Has Medium Jet Black Hair, Grey Eyes, Pale Skin, She Normally Wears Dragonscale Armour. She Carries Two Longswords And Several Daggers. She Has A Black-Wood Longbow And Onyx Tipped Arrows. She Has The Appearance Of A Young Woman.

Dragon: Unknown.

Username: Cirnelle Taralom.
I wanna join! I wanna join!

Dragon form
Name: Jason
Age: 24
Gender: M
Appearance: His body is covered in jet-black scales while his eyes are bright neon green. He measures about 5 feet from the ground to his shoulder, 30 from his nose to his tail, and 50 from wingtip to wingtip; but he’s still young so he has quite a bit of growing to left do.

Rider: Dirk
Username: trainfullachickens14

Dragon form
Name: Jessie
Age: 19
Gender: F
Appearance: She is a very beautiful dragoness. Her scales are mostly a light-ish blue while her underside is a creamy white. Her wings are mostly yellow with some splotches of blue and red. She has one large horn on her snout that curls up and backwards and spikes protruding from the back of her head more-or-less in the shape of a Triceratops’ neck shield. She also has spikes that run down her spine and more that encircle her tail from the base all the way to the tip. The spikes on her tail can be shot at anything by a simple whip of the tail and grow back constantly. She measures about 20 feet from the ground to her shoulder, 60 feet from her nose to her tail, and 100 feet from wingtip to wingtip. Like her friend Jason, she is still young so she still has a lot of growing to do.

Rider: Megan
Username: trainfullachickens14

Rider form
Name: Dirk
Age: 16
Gender: M
Race: Human
Appearance: Stands at about 5’10”, has short red hair and freckles, keeps his body in good shape (works out), his right eye is green while his left is blue, is fairly handsome.
Dragon: Jason
Username: trainfullachickens14

Rider form
Name: Megan
Age: 15
Gender: F
Race: Human
Appearance: Stands at about 5’7”, has waist-length silky blond hair and deep blue eyes, has a very muscular build especially for a girl her age but is still very pretty.
Dragon: Jessie
Username: trainfullachickens14
Sophia heard a faint voice calling her name, she turned her head, trying to see where it was coming from, she let out a loud bugle to whoever was calling her, basically saying they were too far apart to speak.
eragon rubbed his head, a long list of hundreds of possible mentors for blizz, he was halfway through the list "you'll have to forgive me, I can't think of one now.... maybe you could find one at the masked ball tonight?" he sugested.
the team of four riders (including one of yours cayuga) landed on the second island "set up camp!"
the leader shouted "we'll leave early tomorrow morning" he said.
Shark, hearing the bugle, started bounding in that direction, misunderstanding her call and thinking she was in danger.

Blizz scratched a horn shyly. "there's a ball tonight?" she asked. (when is someone going to tell Alexa about this?) Blizz had always been a little shy, mostly because her horns were unusually small and she was made fun of because of it.

Fiona started setting up camp.
The boy replied "My name's Dirk." He gently patted the jet-black dragon he was sitting on. "This is Jason," he said. The reptile smiled at Fiona. Dirk then turned and pointed at the other dragon then the girl sitting on its back, saying "That's Jessie and Megan." Both of the humans looked to be in their mid to late teens. Dirk continued "if you'd like it, we'd be happy to help you set up your camp. We were just looking for a place to stop and spend the night anyways."

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