Alaska Chicken Lover's Soup for the Cold!!

I go more by size than age... an orpington will go sooner than an Ameraucana, just because they'll be big enough to butcher at a younger age. My Ameraucanas can be 6 months old and still pretty small...

Please post photos of the BCM eggs, if you can. I'm so excited for you!!
The two dark ones in the middle are Charlotte's eggs.
One of my hens has a respitory infection and im going to order some tylan 50.Any tips on using it?and if one has a respitory does that mean all of the others do,should i trear the whole flock?
Generally if one has it, all of them do. But, if you caught it in time and can isolate the one birds for treatment, you may not have to treat them all. If the Tylan 50 is the injectible, you will want 1cc syringes with needles. You can also get powdered antibiotics to put in the water that work well, too... Gallimycin, Terramycin, Tetracycline... have you figured out what it is? What are the symptoms?
Ummm...turns out they weren't doubles. She has only been laying a couple of weeks. I wish I had five more of her.

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