Alaska Chicken Lover's Soup for the Cold!!

Mrs. AK-Bird-Brain :

Generally if one has it, all of them do. But, if you caught it in time and can isolate the one birds for treatment, you may not have to treat them all. If the Tylan 50 is the injectible, you will want 1cc syringes with needles. You can also get powdered antibiotics to put in the water that work well, too... Gallimycin, Terramycin, Tetracycline... have you figured out what it is? What are the symptoms?

okay thanks the syptoms are sneezing and loud breathing​
As far as I know you won't find the Tylan on the shelves here, but you should be able to find the powders (look for something that treats respiratory/CRD on the label) locally. Keep them separated.

Good luck!
Ummm...turns out they weren't doubles. She has only been laying a couple of weeks. I wish I had five more of her.

If I can get the girls to stop eating the eggs, I might be able to help you out in the spring!
Mrs. AK-Bird-Brain :

As far as I know you won't find the Tylan on the shelves here, but you should be able to find the powders (look for something that treats respiratory/CRD on the label) locally. Keep them separated.

Good luck!

okay thanks i found tylan 50 on randul burkey and i will problably wont be going to anchorage any time soon do you think i should order the powder stuff or tylan 50​
okay thanks i found tylan 50 on randul burkey and i will problably wont be going to anchorage any time soon do you think i should order the powder stuff or tylan 50

Keep in mind that I only treat my rarest breeding stock. General egg layers, if they catch "a cold", are removed from the flock, as I don't want to spread it to the others. But my rare breeders are too expensive not to treat. I have found that Gallimycin in the water for the alloted time, paired up with 3 days of Tylan 50 injectible (1/2 CC, or 0.5 ml) injected into the left breast once a day, seems to clear it up nicely. I keep them in the garage, separated from everyone, until they have spent a week without any symptoms after treatment is done. So, if you can swing it, I would keep both the Tylan (with the syringes) and the powder on hand. But the powder is the easiest way to do it, and it usually comes to about a tsp of powder per gallon of water. I will usually double dose (1 tbsp powder in 1 gallon of water) for the first day or two, then back it off to the 1 tsp for the 10 -14 days. Get the powder, at least, if you're at all hesitant about doing the injections. It's easy to do, but can be disconcerting for someone doing it for the first time. If you need a video "how-to", let me know.
I invited a couple of red chanticlers to dinner the other day. One went to the refridgerator and the other to the crockpot. I have been feeding them the barley and salmon meal from Budget feed, which they all like. However I'm not happy with the meat. It smells strongly of fish and eating fishy chicken just doesn't make me too happy. I'm having a wholesale revolt on my hands from the DH and kids and this time I agree with them.

So, here's the deal. I know that feeding GMO soy and corn (in the feed from Mill and Feed) is not the best and our family tries to avoid them at all cost. However, since they won't eat meat raised on the salmon meal and barley I am stuck. Are there any other options? DH thinks I should continue to feed this feed to the layers as it does not affect the taste of the eggs, but feed any meat birds (chickens and ducks) feed from AMF. The reasoning being that it won't impart the fishy taste and the birds will be raised infinately better than commercial chickens. Any thoughts?

On another note, the chickens and ducks are loving this midwinter thaw we are having. I daragged out the kiddie pool and filled it up for the ducks. They are thrilled.
We still have had no fishy flavor, but here is what you can do. Grow them an extra 10 days or so, and feed them just barley and sunflower seeds.
You can also get Organic corn at good prices from Azure that you can crackand feed at the tail end as well.
Well if anyone wants a Black Copper Marans Cockerel it's his last few hours....he'll be invited for dinner tonight if no one wants him. About 4-5 months old and stunning dark coppering. He's a Bev Davis baby
from my Cree farms hatch last summer.

Don't leave me a message here, call if you want him. I won't be able to check in.

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