Alaska Chicken Lover's Soup for the Cold!!

Well, I didn't have to crawl through the pop door. I did have to give the door a few swift kicks though.
I need pick up some more scratch, mine don't want to come out of the coop without it. I have a wimpy flock this year.
I need goat help ASAP!
A couple of our does are CAE positive. Not a huge deal as we will breed it out.
Kids will be pulled and bottled fed, as well as housed seperate.

BUT! THe billy goat we have is not doing his job right.
This is the THIRD time the does have come into heat with him here

WE HAVE to find a billy TODAY that can service the does.

Please, if anyone can help us out, let me know right away!
So I lost a bird today and I'm afrade I'm going to loss another one. My big black hen attacked a roster who was protecting a small hen she would pick on. The roster lost his life. Now I'm afrade she will do the same to the little hen now. Why would she do this? My dad thinks that maybe she is a he because of this. We don't really know she has not layed eggs yet but only one of the three have so far. We are thinking this is because of the winter. She has never crowed eather so now I'm wondering is she is a he and will she kill again. Should I send her to the pot? Please help this is new to me and I don't want to lose another baby.
it would be nice to see a pic of this bad chicken but i would put it in a chicken jail for up to a week then re induce it back to the flock if back pick at any other chickens then to the pot
it would be nice to see a pic of this bad chicken but i would put it in a chicken jail for up to a week then re induce it back to the flock if back pick at any other chickens then to the pot

I agree... can you post a full-body side shot? I'm sorry...

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