Alchemist Farms

We got ten chicks total over two attempts ended up with 2 Moss Eggers (ended up with one male, one female), 2 Azure Egger (females—pre-sexed), 2 Black Copper Marans (ended up with one male, one female), a Swedish Isbar (ended up female), and 3 Silver Laced Barnevelders (all ended up being male). Our odds were not stellar, especially not with the Barnevelders, which was the breed I wanted most of all. However, Francesca and family are wonderful to work with, very responsive, and I am hoping to eventually get a female Silver Laced Barnevelder. For now, I'm just exhausted from chick rearing and happy our girls seem to be happy and laying well.
Wondering what color your moss egger is laying. Haven’t seen many people post pictures of the egg color they are getting. Would love to see some. Have you been happy with the breed?
Amber ❤️🐓

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