All 2 wk. old pullets have wings but one? whats wrong?


10 Years
Mar 19, 2009
East Texas! :)
Hey, I am raising baby chickens for the first time and all of my chicks are two weeks old, and all of them have wing and tail feathers except for one.

is there something wrong with her?

im pretty sure their all girls by the way,

Help? Sunni
I have a Cochin like that. If she is a dirrerent breed that might be the reason. Some breeds grow slower. But if it is the same breed, it could just be a slow developer. If it doesn't seem sick, I would not worry.
I agree with Paty. Not all human children develop at the same rate. The same is true for chickens.
Our Dark Brahma, Nancy Drew, was like that. She looked a month younger than everyone, all the time. She was somewhat unsteady as a chick, slow to feather out, etc.

She is still sort of 'different,' or maybe developmentally delayed but now, at two years, does just fine. She isnt very high up in the pecking order but she doesnt get picked on much either. Not as big as they other Brahmas, but she is the only one who actually, as a grownup bird, still loves to be held by my daughter.

Glad we didnt give up on her.
ok, good

I just thought it meant it was a different gender or something, whew! im glad i was wrong

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