All about showing chickens...


8 Years
Apr 16, 2011
Johnstown Pa
How would i take part in showing my chickens? I know its at the fair. but what do i do at the show? I only have hens, can i show hens? How long are they kept there at the showing place? If they stay there don't they just get dropped on the pecking order and get pecked at? and is it stressful for the hen?
I really want to know everything about it...
Brandon, Not sure what your school systems offer, but that might be a place to check. Here in Polk County Fl. FFA (Future farmers of America) is big. They have teachers that can guide you and you can learn all about showing chickens. Maybe you have 4-H or a cooperative extention that might have info too. Hope it helps and good luck
I don't really live in farm country lol. I myself have alot of land, but most people in my area don't. But my school is a freak about academics and sports and the fine arts.

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