All about the herbs

Chickens are omnivores and left to their own devices will eat a wide variety of vegetatable and animal products. They'll eat frutis, tender greens, nuts, seeds and any vertebrates and nonvertebrates they can swallow. They are diven by hunger when the crop is empty. They are driven by the need for energy and protein. Extensive research has identified a long list of vitamins, minerals, amino acids and fats that chickens need and in what ratios at specific ages. A complete feed free choice and good forage is best. Most people don't have the appropriate amount of forage available to keep modern chickens healthy. Chickens don't eat or drink at night so it is only necessary to provide those things after daylight.
I can’t wait until my 11 week old chicks are big enough to free range. Probably soon because they’re growing fast, but in addition to chick crumbles I offer them armloads of all different weeds and they love when they see me coming.
I would suggest also some lemon or lime balm if you have room. Grows in sun or shade, any soil. My chickens eat the dickens out of it in my yard, and it still flourishes. You can mow it and it will smell great and come right back every year. It does spread a lot. Think it's in the mint family. Humans can use it in tea or as tea, as well. Good for the tummy, and sleeping, sort of like chamomile usage. Another perennial my chickens munch in the yard is wild violet leaves. I think it has a lot of vit. C.

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