all cluck, no egg?


10 Years
Sep 25, 2009
hi all,
this is my first posted question here!

i have 4 ladies, who are all just about exactly 5 months. needless to say, i've been on egg watch for a couple weeks now, as many of my friend's chickens started laying a bit early this year, and i know it's about time!!
nest boxes are nice and cozy, put a little egg-y shaped rock in there, and my barred rock, blair, has been doing some serious mating posturing when i pet her as of late. they're still on pullet feed, but i'm thinking i might as well add some layer to the mix sooner rather than later....

so! i was awoken early this morning to what sounded like about ten chickens being brutally murdered all at once. peeked out the window and saw that only three ladies were in the run (looking quite bewildered!), blair was still in the henhouse! clucking up a storm! i mean, really, it was *loud* and lasted for a good five or ten minutes. somewhere in the middle i said 'it's egg day!' threw on some clothes and waited for the mad clucking to subside and for blair to emerge. ran outside and excitedly opened the egg door! aaaaaand........ NOTHING. (cue sad 'wah-wah' sound effect here)

so, was this just some serious practice clucking? what the heck is going on in there? with that much commotion, i though for sure it was egg time!

does this at least mean that i can expect one really, really soon?

i know it's a probably a silly question and all, i'm just really, really excited for that first egg!!
so, was this just some serious practice clucking? what the heck is going on in there? with that much commotion, i though for sure it was egg time!

That's what it sounds like to me. One of my Austrolorps did that for about 3 days before she laid her first egg.

I bet eggs are coming soon!

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