All Hens killed by Dog

I have added all suggestions people have made to the list for my lawyer. I called Humane Law Enforcement, but the officer in charge of my case is on Vacation until next week. The attorney will send the dog owner a demand letter today. I mostly care about enforcing consequences and getting his irresponsibility on the legal record. Today I realized how much I miss them in my life. I felt so God Awful sad! I am waiting until things are safer to get more hens. Just thanks to everyone who took the time and trouble to support and offer help. It has meant quite a lot.
This is horrible. I can't imagine it happening. We treat our chickens more like pets and are very attached to them like most on the forum do. Something like this is a tragedy.

I commend you and your husband for your cool heads in the moment. I would have killed the dog in anger. Then years of lawsuits and problems with the neighbor to follow. Not a good outcome either way! I know a judge can force the removal of the dog by the owner, not euthanasia, physically remove it from the property and it's up to the owner if it would be another property of his, giving it to a friend or to a shelter, etc.
I had a similar incident happen to a friend with a neighbor's roaming dog, the judge mandated the dog be kept inside the property and leashed at all times with a significant penalty to enforce it. This might work in your case as well.

Once you figure it out, do get chickens again. They are worth it. You'll have new favourites and be happy again.
No lawsuit in Ohio. Well within the limits of the leash laws, especially in rural areas.
I live in MO and out of city limits, but still in county where leash laws apply. Neighborhood dogs have been my #1 chicken killer despite our back yard being fenced and bordered on two sides by pasture/timber mix. I've seen chicken hawks, red fox, had some kind of bird of prey attack, but by far I've lost the most hens by domestic dogs. Seems like those beasts just kill the hens for sport- none of my dead hens were consumed by the offending canine in either situation!
In addition to my flock of 12 hens, 1 rooster, I now have 4 ducks and a mated pair of white Chinese geese. It is my hope the gander will act as guard goose, but we'll see.
My sympathies are with you during this stressful time. I know what it's like to lose sleep and cry over lost feather babies!
My brother tried being nice and built our neighbors a fence so their dogs would stay home but they continued to let the dogs roam the neighborhood.After yrs of catching their dogs and taking them home (and feeding them) my brother finally put up some dog kennels and started keeping them at his house when he caught them running loose instead of returning them. One by one the neighbors abandoned every dog they had.
I'm so sorry. After 16 years of chicken keeping and a forced move by Eminent Domain, I lost my 2 elderly girls to a runaway Husky and his companion this past October. I had never lost a chicken to a dog before. Police said this dog had a history of running loose, and last I saw it was up for adoption at the animal shelter. Either the owner abandoned it or didn't want to pay the fine to get it back. I came upon them just as they had murdered my girls. I held my hens in my arms, still warm, where they died. I will never get over this sorrow, and I am so sorry it happened to you, too.
I had 2 speckled Sussex 26 months, 2 easter eggers 5 years old, three 26 month barred rocks. Neighbors dog has repeatedly dug under my fence past year and a half to run on my property and I have warned him to control them. I warned him of my livestock. His dogs came on my property and I was alerted by security cam. I texted him to get them and he couldn't find them he said. Then I got horrible alerts from the coop security cam of his Husky killing my hens in their coop. The dog ripped off the side of the run (1/4 inch hardware cloth secured by industrial staples and a board and got in. Then shoved through the automatic door and got into the coop. The coop and run have been proof against racoons, bobcats, coyotes, and a fox for 5 years. It was secure we thought. It has 18 inches of hardware cloth dug out from the concrete barrier at the edges.
The Sheriff came and reported an event. Humane law enforcement came. I am to contact them in 2 days. She termed the dogs a "public nuisance" which I think will result in restrictions on him and how he confines them. I have pictures of everything, even, unfortunately very clear photos of his Husky killing them all.
I am starting to get past the shock, horror, and rage, and just crying and waking up at night and trying to organize my mind what action to take.
I am making a list of damages to give to my lawyer and will purse the dog owner in small claims court.
If anyone can think of anything to add to damages or any experience that will help please let me know. I am in southern CA, and we have fairly strict laws about this, especially when it includes killing to livestock, which includes chickens.
By the way, the dog just killed them and went off and left them laying in a pile.
I am so, so angry and so sad. My husband loved them, too. He built the coop and run and put his back into making them safe and comfortable. One irresponsible person caused this. It did not have to happen.
I am thinking no more chickens. Then I am thinking put in a barrier with electrical wire. That dog will come back, I think
1. Photos, evidence, documentation -> Animal control complaint
2. Small claims court; fowl costs; fence repair costs, filing costs
3. 12 ga shotgun buckshot or slug load(s) Three should do.
4. In my state you would be responsible for disposing of the dog's carcass - check local statutes!
"The attorney will send the dog owner a demand letter today. "

My gosh, you don't need an attorney to write a demand letter! Googol Small Claims Court filing in your county. Googol "How to File a claim in [county,state] small claims court. And, everyone else - go to your community college or university and sign up for a course called Business Law 101 (or similar).

When Florida passed it's No Fault Divorce law back in the seventies, the law library had the filing requirements written right in the statutes! Copy the format, fill-in the personal data and voila! Divorce for the price of a Broward County filing fee!

Hey, you've heard it said that "Ours is a nation of laws," right? Well, best college course I ever took was Business Law 101/102. Get to know what a tort is! Understand the elements of a valid contract. Learn why postdating a check can turn it into a promissory note.

Unlike criminal law, losing in small claims court does not (necessarily) preclude you from hiring an attorney and letting him have a go at that nasty neighbor.
I had 2 speckled Sussex 26 months, 2 easter eggers 5 years old, three 26 month barred rocks. Neighbors dog has repeatedly dug under my fence past year and a half to run on my property and I have warned him to control them. I warned him of my livestock. His dogs came on my property and I was alerted by security cam. I texted him to get them and he couldn't find them he said. Then I got horrible alerts from the coop security cam of his Husky killing my hens in their coop. The dog ripped off the side of the run (1/4 inch hardware cloth secured by industrial staples and a board and got in. Then shoved through the automatic door and got into the coop. The coop and run have been proof against racoons, bobcats, coyotes, and a fox for 5 years. It was secure we thought. It has 18 inches of hardware cloth dug out from the concrete barrier at the edges.
The Sheriff came and reported an event. Humane law enforcement came. I am to contact them in 2 days. She termed the dogs a "public nuisance" which I think will result in restrictions on him and how he confines them. I have pictures of everything, even, unfortunately very clear photos of his Husky killing them all.
I am starting to get past the shock, horror, and rage, and just crying and waking up at night and trying to organize my mind what action to take.
I am making a list of damages to give to my lawyer and will purse the dog owner in small claims court.
If anyone can think of anything to add to damages or any experience that will help please let me know. I am in southern CA, and we have fairly strict laws about this, especially when it includes killing to livestock, which includes chickens.
By the way, the dog just killed them and went off and left them laying in a pile.
I am so, so angry and so sad. My husband loved them, too. He built the coop and run and put his back into making them safe and comfortable. One irresponsible person caused this. It did not have to happen.
I am thinking no more chickens. Then I am thinking put in a barrier with electrical wire. That dog will come back, I think
I definately like the electric fence idea!! I am sorry for all your trauma and losses. It is hard. The only light I can imagine is that the dogs definitely exposed a weakness in the set-up.... in such a bad way.
If you really enjoy chickens as I imagine you do, the electric fence really is the answer- it will definitely catch the dogs as they come up on it.
Perhaps do the fence first, then see how it handles- hopefully, it gives you the confidence and the all-clear to start another round of your loves!!

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