All Hens killed by Dog

So, what can you do about cats and dogs attacking your livestock?
when laws or really just the unwillingness to do harm to them stops you from killing them, you should trap them with appropriate traps, call animal control, report them to the police if needed, and in EVERY situation where the dogs or cats are present on the property, photograph them and call police or animal control. If an active attack is happening call 911, record, and intervene if safe to.

the only other option is a dog of your own that will scare away por chase off any predatory dogs and cats coming for a snack
Wow how horrible. Neighbor would be getting a call to come get his dog, and he wouldn't need a leash.
That's how I handled 1 of my neighbors dogs. I warned him about his dogs, I made sure his dogs could not dig under or jump over our fence. He did not heed my warning. So the next time I caught his dogs on my property, he got a call and he would need a wheelbarrow. He called the police on me, like you, I had photo's and videos. Police told the neighbor I had every legal right to defend my property and livestock.
The cats and dogs referenced in my answer referred to MY cats and dogs attacked by someone else's dog. Nothing can be done there but contact the owners of the aforementioned dog.
So, what can you do about cats and dogs attacking your livestock?
The law refers to foreign dogs attacking MY stock. However, if the attack is against MY dog or cat, shooting is no longer an option. The law is meant only to protect people and livestock. My dog and cats are on their own.


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I am so sorry to here of your loss. After all your efforts and care you have given, it would be devastating. I was telling my husband about it and he mentioned that in South Carolina there is a $300 per chicken fine or compensation that the owner has to pay. That was almost 10 years ago. We had chickens when we lived there. Unfortunately the on time it happened to us they killed three hens and scared away two rooster. It was a pack of dogs, which was a common issue there because people thought that if they lived in a rural setting they did not have to keep their dogs from roaming. Not bad dogs just BAD owners.
In the last 6 months the neighbor's dogs have killed 10 hens, 1 rooster, and our barn cat. I couldn't figure out what was killing them until this past Sunday when we witnessed it actually happen. I told the neighbor that if I see his dogs on my property again, they'll be shot.

I will take no pleasure in killing the dogs since it's really the neighbor that I'm pissed at but it seems that I've run out of options.
were you able to get any video of it? It seems only too easy for the neighbors for you to do the shooting any they- nothing. They may even use the opportunity to get another dog. If you file a report with the police, work the leash/registration laws of your area- perhaps they can be brought up on charges, put the dog down themselves, and they pay fees & fines and start a record (if they dont have one already) and get into the books. If they are doing anything else, bad choices, this will just compound their problem into some real court time.
Just a thought.
were you able to get any video of it? It seems only too easy for the neighbors for you to do the shooting any they- nothing. They may even use the opportunity to get another dog. If you file a report with the police, work the leash/registration laws of your area- perhaps they can be brought up on charges, put the dog down themselves, and they pay fees & fines and start a record (if they dont have one already) and get into the books. If they are doing anything else, bad choices, this will just compound their problem into some real court time.
Just a thought.
No need for video. We witnessed it happen and the dog ran back home to the idiot owner's house with the chicken still in it's mouth. Nobody on either side is debating that it happened.

I did call the sheriff and he was issued some sort of official warning. It had no effect. I gave him weeks to take care of it like a responsible adult. He didn't. Now the dogs are no longer a problem and all the other neighbors are happy with the outcome.

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