All my chicks died

Coccidia and other germs can kill chicks before and after hatching. The incubator should be thoroughly disinfected before using, and eggs free of poop stains. I read a comment here by one farmer who lightly sprays his eggs with 5% alcohol (or hydrogen peroxide?) solution, before closing the incubator, and that significantly increased his hatch rate. Try also medicated feed for the chicks. It's medicated with a coccidistat.
Hi, to add further clarification: the eggs should not be washed (as this will remove their natural protective layer), but I have gently cleaned off just the dirty spots with an antibacterial wipe.
Also, you can prevent poop stains from getting on the eggs (if that's an issue with yours) by changing the bedding material, like hay, in the nesting boxes every day.

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