All my chicks died

Sorry for your losses.

If you can give more information, more help will be likely. Are they fertile eggs from your flock? Did you have eggs shipped to you? Did you pick up eggs from a local seller?

What breeds were the eggs?

Did you candle the eggs to see if they were developing? Or were the ones that didn't hatch- die at a certain stage in development or were they dead in the shell at the very end?

Did you use a hen or an incubator?

What did you feed the two that hatched? What temp was their brooder? Any pics of the set up might help too.
Hello and welcome to BYC! :frow

I am so sorry for your losses. :hugs So many things contribute to a healthy hatch, from where you got your eggs, were they shipped, how were they stored before setting and of course the machine you are using and whether or not it was calibrated and settings were correct. @curlyp has left you with the link to our Incubation forums, definitely post there for more help.
Sorry for your losses.

If you can give more information, more help will be likely. Are they fertile eggs from your flock? Did you have eggs shipped to you? Did you pick up eggs from a local seller?

What breeds were the eggs?

Did you candle the eggs to see if they were developing? Or were the ones that didn't hatch- die at a certain stage in development or were they dead in the shell at the very end?

Did you use a hen or an incubator?

What did you feed the two that hatched? What temp was their brooder? Any pics of the set up might help too.
The 2 that died one was on day 3 . She had a very swollen belly and her vent kept getting stopped up.
The other one dies on day 6 .
She never would eat anything at all.
We tried everything to help her eat but she refused.
What would make her starve herself
We are new to hatching eggs. We hatched eggs Only too lived And both of them died within a week. I need some advice on what went wrong . We have 10 more that are on lockdown right now I just don't want to make the same mistake twice
Welcome to BYC!! I’m so sorry about your chicks! :(

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