All Natural Herbal Remedies and Recipes for Chickens

I ferment my feed too. I poured about 1/4 cup oregano into each 5 gal bucket. But if it's better mixed in later, I can do that instead. I got 3 bags of oregano today. I didn't notice the weight but it cost me $1.25 at the dollar store. So for now, I have a goodly supply. You only do it once every couple weeks as a preventative?
That's what I do...but I know folks that have it in their feed every day.

I have this "thing" or "rule of thumb" that I go by. I don't like to "force-feed" anything like ACV, garlic, oregano, etc. in a venue where they don't have any choice unless I am treating illness (which I've not had to do so far).

I like them to have a choice and be able to take it if they want/need it. So when I put ACV is a waterer, for example, I always provide another source with fresh water only.

When I do the oregano, I usually only put it in from time to time as I said above. If I were treating for an illness, or if I thought they were exposed to an illness and I wanted to "pre-empt", I'd probably put it in the feed for a couple weeks non-stop.

Again, I know others that have it in the feed every single day and it seems to be a good thing for them. If I were going to offer it every day on a regular basis I'd probably give them an alternative without out.
Giving the thread a little bump & a Thank You! I have a 6 month old BCM who's been in sick bay for 8 days--skinny, lethargic & now she's got a cough. I was ready to cull her yesterday but I couldn't find the hunting knife and was afraid I'd miss w/the hatchet. Maybe there's a reason for that!!

I've been trying anything to get her to eat more than just a few nibbles. I made some rice with the tea and she gobbled it down. I know she's not out of the woods yet but she's got her appetite back!! And for that I THANK YOU!

I have 2 questions on the Infection Fighter tea. Is there any reason I couldn't replenish this tea w/some hot water and using this same batch of herbs? I know it wouldn't be as strong but the golden seal was very expensive. Is it the cooking of the herbs that provide the benefits or just the steeping? I have enough to make another batch but just wondering.
Once my birds started coming down with a respiratory issue and their eyes were bubling and mucus was coming out of their eyes and noses, wheezing, gasping for air, sneezing,coughing, not eating. I made this tea and served it warm. The next day they were feeling better and eating their feed. I served it for 7 days

Infection fighter

2 tsp echinacea ( immune system boosting and attacks bacteria)
2 tsp goldenseal ( kills a wide range of bacteria and fungi)
1 tsp minced garlic( highly antimicrobial, fights bacteria, fungi, viruses and parasites)
2 tsp licorice root ( anti inflammatory, eases cough and nurishes adrenal glands)
1 tsp marshmallow rt ( soothes inflamed mucus membranes, mildly stimulating for the immune sysytem)

These are all dried herbs. In a med pot, add 7 cups water and the echinacea, garlic, licorice, marshmallow. Simmer for 3-5 mins with cover on. Remove from heat and add goldenseal, return cover and let sit 5-10 mins. The longer it sits the stronger it gets. Sometimes I let it sit until it cools to room temp and then I can fill a gallon waterer half full and then add warm water. This way you can save some for later. Just keep it tightly covered in the fridge. ( any of these herbal teas are also great for us too)
Thanks LM! I thought about pm'ing her too just ran out of time--was at work--supposed to be working. I've been trying to keep up w/the NCKT. Life has just been crazy here. Sick chickens, sick child in her first year at college....
Hi, giving this thread a bump as there is some great information in here for natural chicken keeping methods. I am in Colorado and we use herbs medicinally on us, the flock and our dogs. When we got our baby chicks and did the butt check for pasty butts every night on 28 chicks, we used a Calendula Salve I had made and this helped with the pasty butt issue a lot. It is a great skin herb and helped the girls heal quicker. Here are some of the things I have in process....

From left to right

Nettles - Olive Oil extraction
The base for all my salves, hemp oil and coconut oil, I had it stored in the cabinet until I could actually make some of these herb recipes.
Elecampane - alcohol extraction, that is not for the animals but for us. Great for asthma, bronchitis, etc. opens the bronchial air ways

The two jars that are stacked - the top one is Calendula oil extraction, and the bottom is nettles in Olive oil.

I was waiting on the Calendula oil to finish some more salve, now that it has sat for a couple weeks, it was strained and now it is ready to use.


Great thread, let's see if ex can keep it going now....

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