All Natural Herbal Remedies and Recipes for Chickens

This is one of the best threads about raising chickens naturally anywhere--not just on BYC. I read through the whole thing, in little bites, there is a wealth of info. I think people are just busy this summer and getting ready for harvest/back to school.
I'm looking forward to new posts, because this kind of thing has always interested me, but I don't know too much about herbs. I'm in the process of copying everything down.
Hey! @mlowen

I don't see you around good to see you :)

I think I need to go back and re-read everything again. It's been a long time since I looked at the thread.
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So has anyone had success using hot peppers like a hot paprika in the feed to help with worms?
I use red pepper flakes mixed in some yogurt. I dont do it often......maybe twice a year if I remember. I have NEVER seem worms in my hens poop. I am not a poop watcher, just the ones i happen to glance at.

Mine tend to get more herbs & yogurt over winter when they can't find as much of what they need on their own. I only feed them during the warm months every other day with their FF. They feed themselves with what they find in either the compost pile or the fenced in area.

This year I built a cover for the compost area. To keep the hens in who were escaping into my veggie garden and give them protection from hawks. When the Pumpkins took over my garden I put them up on the cover. Its also where I store my ripe ones until i can get them cooked & pureed for the dogs.

It seems some of the pumpkins are a little heavy for the cover........its bending into the compost area.

Those large leaves to the left of the compost are a sunflower. This is the head from it. The girls enjoyed their treat.
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I use red pepper flakes mixed in some yogurt. I dont do it often......maybe twice a year if I remember. I have NEVER seem worms in my hens poop. I am not a poop watcher, just the ones i happen to glance at. Mine tend to get more herbs & yogurt over winter when they can't find as much of what they need on their own. I only feed them during the warm months every other day with their FF. They feed themselves with what they find in either the compost pile or the fenced in area. This year I built a cover for the compost area. To keep the hens in who were escaping into my veggie garden and give them protection from hawks. When the Pumpkins took over my garden I put them up on the cover. Its also where I store my ripe ones until i can get them cooked & pureed for the dogs. It seems some of the pumpkins are a little heavy for the cover........its bending into the compost area. Those large leaves to the left of the compost are a sunflower. This is the head from it. The girls enjoyed their treat.
Thanks. Your garden area looks great and the girls well spoiled. :)

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