All right, I'm ready. Tell me just how bad of quality they are!


9 Years
Jun 23, 2010
I received hatching eggs from a friend that were supposed to be phoenixes. I believe they are, but I also know they are pretty poor quality. I think they are supposed to be the black breasted red variety, although the coloring is off. I just love them! They are so friendly and docile. Just for curiousity's sake though, how do they measure up? I would like to learn from all you very knowledgeable people out there




They are just over 3 months old, I have two cockerels and three pullets. Only one pullet has the correct slate blue legs, the others have got that green tint. The cockerels are just so beautiful to me, and I have to apologize because these pictures really don't do them justice. Any input is great! Thanks for looking!
I love them and they'll have a forever home with me no matter what! I'd love to learn more about that gorgeous breed though
You know I think they are pretty. I don't know what the standards are for most of the breeds, then again I'm not a show person either. When I see pretty or I like it then that what I like and want to breed for.
They are still in their juvenille plumage so the feather colour isn't a concern. The colour should improve with age.
You're right about the leg colour. In a show the willow legs would result in a disqualification.
Beyond that it's hard to say much as the birds are immature. Body type doesn't look bad.
That (or those) cockerals have the correct juvenile coloring of a BBR (black breasted red) - when they moult for their adults in about 1-2 months I guess they'll have better color and appropriate patterning - they are on the right track. I have two BBR brown leghorn boys out and about of my neighbors and they are about 4 months old and looking like your cockerals.

I think they are pretty.

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