All song no egg

Hi all, I have 6 ten month old pullets. 5 of them have been laying eggs since October (5 months) or earlier. Then there’s my Welsummer. She likes to accompany my Easter Egger in the nesting box and will even sing an egg song. The eggs laid are never hers though. She’s just singing her support I guess.
Even though they are all the same age, we always refer to her as the baby. She just acts younger...not unhealthy or smaller. She’s just quiet, never pushy, idk how to describe it.
Is it possible she’s just going to stay a “baby” forever? What’s the oldest new layer you all have had?
Damn freeloader!!!! Lmao 😂 She’s pretty though!!!
My Welsummer was one of the last pullets to start laying eggs. She came in with beautiful dark eggs, but went into molt last fall and I have not seen an egg from her since then. I hope she picks up and starts laying eggs again. Of the 10 different breeds of chickens I got, she is about on the bottom of the list for egg production. But, I think if you wait a bit longer, she will start laying some nice eggs for you.

My Austra white is the only one who lays white (cream colored) eggs. I know they’re hers too cause she announces her egg song before she heads into the nesting box 😆
Well, if my Welsummer turns out to be a freeloader then so be it. Good thing she’s so sweet (and my daughter’s favorite).
If she lays sparingly, I really hope they’re the dark reddish brown eggs 😍 that would be worth the wait!
How old was your welsummer when she began to lay?
How old was your welsummer when she began to lay?

I think my Wellsummer was maybe 7 months old before she started laying eggs. I got beautiful colored eggs from her, but not so many. Maybe 2 per week when is full laying mode. She died this summer, unfortunately, of some unknown cause. Beautiful chicken, but not so good for egg production.
I think my Wellsummer was maybe 7 months old before she started laying eggs. I got beautiful colored eggs from her, but not so many. Maybe 2 per week when is full laying mode. She died this summer, unfortunately, of some unknown cause. Beautiful chicken, but not so good for egg production.
So sorry for your loss. I will be so sad when my chicken begin dying. Its been 9 months and still no eggs from my Welsummer.
So sorry for your loss. I will be so sad when my chicken begin dying. Its been 9 months and still no eggs from my Welsummer.

I got 10 different breed chickens for my backyard flock. I think the Wellsummer was about the last one to start laying eggs. So, it could have been longer than 7 months.

My chickens are not pets, but any loss is still unwelcomed. If I want to continue to get eggs, I'll have to replace my flock this spring with some new chicks. I currently have 8 chickens and only get maybe 1/8 eggs per day going into their third winter. So, they currently eat way more food than they give back in eggs. I always considered their main job was to make compost for me, but in the winter time with snow covering the chicken run, they never leave the coop. I really should have got a new flock this past spring, and now I would be gathering lots of eggs. Losing a chicken or two due to unknown causes is no fun, but having to decide to replace your flock to keep up egg production is not much fun either.

I hope your Wellsummer starts laying some eggs for you. Their egg shells are beautiful and really added to my mix of colored eggs I used to get every day.

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