all who are hatching quail

50 Cotirnix in the brooder. I had 54 but had to cull. They hatched on day 21 and had bad legs :( There is one more but he gets around and is aggressive enough that the others get out of his way. I will see how he does. These are shipped eggs. To Alaska from Louisiana. Thank You JamesMarieFarms. I am excited to watch these guys grow!
I just placed 10 more eggs in my bator last night and ordered 48 more

I hope that this batch hatchs a better rate then my last one this past week 3 out of 17

Right now I have 3 in my brooder and 5 adults. I am trying to get to 20-30 females and 5-8 males I will be keeping that bator going until the fall. TO many family members are already wanting fresh quail
I will b leaving town saturday morning around 4 am and b home around midnight i have 120 coturix due to hatch friday i have a good size hatching tray proly 28" x24" should i leave them in there with water and food or put them in my brooder witch stays between 88 and 95 depending how the temp in my shop swings and im not there to adjust it or should i just put them in a big tub with a heat lamp?

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