all who are hatching quail

Those are all my own eggs. I set 37 and candled at lockdown and 28 made it (6 of the infertile ones I had expected to probably be infertile and the other three were most likely old as I had a couple of 9 and 10 day eggs in there). So really it's 22 from a starting base of 37.My first hatch had 2/3 infertile eggs as I bought a lot of them from a local store and barely any hatched. The ones that did were most likely the few I had in there that were my own.When collecting for setting I store my eggs in separate egg cartons, one carton per hen, in a cool even-temperatured cupboard and rotate them once a day when I put the new eggs in. I don't know if that helps but I'm happy to have so many hatch from this batch :)B

OK. I have 15 of my own in the incubator right now along with some shipped eggs. I hope they are fertile. 5 more days to lockdown.
25 live babies as of this morning. I had to cull one- it had a weird mass on it's stomach... kind of orange in color, not his umbilical was really gross. and there were at least two eggs that zipped and then died in the shell. they wer eboth stuck to the paper towel liner with a funky stain under them. Any ideas what it could be? I didn't eggscopy
I'm on my second batch in lockdown since last night. Very disappointed, set 27 shipped A&M eggs, candled at 10 days and 11 were clear, 8 looked like started developing then died and 8 developing normal. Candled again when putting in lock down last night and only looked like 5 were fully developed with egg being full. Went ahead and put the eight in lockdown but think I'm only going to get 5 chicks, that's if they all hatch ok. My first hatch went much better and I didn't do anything different.
Sounds like a plan....Here 50 pounds 30% protein....Wish I could get it for what your paying....Good Luck and make some money....No, I've never vent sexed the young,and don't plan on it,the adults,yes....I've been out of quail for several years now,but will get back into trouble with them again probly this year...LOL

LOL I was glad I found the mill that I found I was paying over twice that much. I actually found it on this site someone was talking about it! I just integrated 11 4 week olds into my adult pen, but I banded them so I know which are my younger ones. I am going to once I get to the amount I want in my big pen start rotating them out (I believe the older ones I bought are probably past their laying peak). I haven't sexed any in that cage at all, it just it was it is as far as the ratio. If I notice they start fighting I will pull out some males. I guess I will integrate until I have all young birds in there and then keep them about a year or two. I just want to have it to where I'm not having to buy eggs, but that guy wants so many I don't know if it is possible. I figure I will keep about 10% of each hatch to integrate in with mine.
I started Chicken and Duck eggs within 24 hours of each other but forgot to mark the date for "stop" and "hatch"..... and didn't even mark what day I started them. Ugh! My best guess is sometime .... Monday - Friday the last week of March. Auto turner going, and I now have to spend the next what.... five days checking to make sure nothing hatches and get stuck in the turner.... ducks have to keep turning another week or so. I plan to move all chicken eggs as soon as I see the first pip. Second bator is ready to lock them down.

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