all who are hatching quail

Got another batch of 50 mixed coturnix quail in the incubator :) i have the best hatch rates with these little buggers. Even in the summer when the temperature jumps super high before i can control it, they still do alright. Does anyone ever have any luck with their quail going broody? mine just poop out eggs all day anywhere they can find.
Does your temperature ever get 106 for 6 hrs mine did then I stabilized it I'm on 10 days bobwhite quail still air inc
Mine's reached scary temps of 110 before, it's also a still air, and i flipped out thinking I had surely lost everything. I had all kinds of eggs in there at the time, duck, chicken, quail. I believe I lost one duck egg, but everyone else was fine. Whenever the temps skyrocket like that I just immediately open it and let it cool off, I use this as like bonus time to candle the eggs and then check on them the following day or two. It's definitely one of those things that gets the panic pumping, if your temperature regulates back to normal the rest of the time you should be good.
Well having too males...gonna set some eggs and hope for females. The last batch appeared to be 3:1...not in a good way...can't cull the males as they are named...but I will tell u the texas A&m male is vicious to my females
I know what you mean. I just separated 17 males to prepare for the table. I hate having to butcher them, but they won't have any quality of life if I keep that many males.
I'm having great hatch rates with my coturnix and all of the sudden have had a lot of people wanting both eggs and chicks. Had the last 130 spoken for before they hatched and just put 72 in Sunday, Monday had 30 of the 72 reserved. Have two people that want eggs for eating but I fell bad selling them for eating instead of sticking them all in the bator. My family thought I was nuts for setting over 200 eggs at one time but when you sell 130 at two days old and want to keep the rest to raise ourselves you can't complain to much. They all love to eat quail, which was my original reason to raise them, didn't really intend on selling any. Sure are a lot easier then my peafowl!!! N
Another great hatch. Such cute little fluffs :)

This little one is my favorite

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