all who are hatching quail

Stupid cat likes to lay on my incubator and changed the temp. It was only like 85. I think i lost all my eggs... They are supposed to go into lock down Saturday. No idea how long the temp was messed up...
Stupid cat likes to lay on my incubator and changed the temp. It was only like 85. I think i lost all my eggs... They are supposed to go into lock down Saturday. No idea how long the temp was messed up...
kick the cat outside or follow the red queen off with its head LOL, you might be fine but that is to bad stupid cat.
kick the cat outside or follow the red queen off with its head LOL, you might be fine but that is to bad stupid cat.
Stupid cat likes to lay on my incubator and changed the temp. It was only like 85. I think i lost all my eggs... They are supposed to go into lock down Saturday. No idea how long the temp was messed up...I think I'm going to try and set it up in another room where the cat can't go next time
I think you don't lose any of that chicks, put the bator when the cat can go and you are going to see how the babies hatch, a few hours later, but the are going to hatch ;)
Stupid cat likes to lay on my incubator and changed the temp. It was only like 85. I think i lost all my eggs... They are supposed to go into lock down Saturday. No idea how long the temp was messed up...I think I'm going to try and set it up in another room where the cat can't go next time
Float tested the eggs today before lock down. only about 20 out of 110 floated and none moved. Put them in the bator anyways. Hope they will hatch
I float tested
Float tested the eggs today before lock down. only about 20 out of 110 floated and none moved. Put them in the bator anyways. Hope they will hatch
I float tested my 7 goose eggs. 5 floated and moved in the water and 2 sinked and don't move, but when I talk to them, they move all, the water test can fail sometimes.
My first quail eggs, don't move in the water and and float, the last 2 days, all floated and moved a lot.
Good luck ;)
I set 11 A&M eggs in the incubator this afternoon. Was hoping for an even dozen but my birds didn't want to cooperate. This will be my 1st hatch from my birds.
I have a batch of JMF Jumbo eggs (first hatch for me), which went into lockdown tonight. 6 out of 50 were not fertile, so they came out. Others were completely black when candled and many are now wiggling in the incubator :) I am so excited!

Temp is great, humidity is spot on (and has been all this while), so now we just need to stay away and let them hatch!!! This is quite nerve-wrecking!!! Loving it!

And, indicently, this weekend (today and yesterday) my 5.5 week old Texas A&Ms started laying! Such a great weekend all around. :)


P.S. I read in many places that quail should not be 'helped' during hatching period, yet many posted that they do if it's been a while with no progress, because if they will die anyway - what is there to lose?
Any opinion on when I should consider helping??? When the little guy has pipped but not unzipped in 24 hours or what would you suggest?

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