all who are hatching quail

I have three chicks so far from 8 eggs. See my electric skillet thread, dont want to fill up this thread with it.
But i am nervous two in the bator are pipped. One for 24hrs now and the other longer than that. /: i dont want to help and kill them but i would rather help and give em a chance than none ):

None are wiggling at all that i can tell. Its day 20 or 21...
i might be getting two more wild chicks someone saved from a cat but they are a 3 hour drive from here so i don't know. Can't really afford the gas.
Oh yikes....cant really ship them either....Supposedly someone is supposed to call me soon to get some more quail....they found a wild one as well...But I am going to talk to them about it......I dont think beginners should have valley I might swap them for coturnix
While turning my eggs last night I found two that had cracks, took them out. I had my neighbor turn them for me while we were away for a few days, maybe something happened there. Either way, down to 38 in that first set. It's only been a week for them. Put 9 more eggs in for next set, hoping to eventually have a dozen or so hatching every week. The heat must really have an impact on them though, I have had only 1 or 2 eggs laid in the last 4 days. I am loving my new "hobby". :)

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