all who are hatching quail

I don't know if i SHOULD help it though because I helped 2 yesterday and both ended up dying! I might just let nature takes its course like suggested and hope for the best. Currently though, I have 5 pipped eggs! And I'll be home for the weekend to make sure the humidity & temp. stays just perfect to reduce the risk of casualties
im waiting for my last 5 eggs to pip. Just got home from school and played with my coturnix chicks. Also where is your location?
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ANOTHER BABY! Now up to 5 chicks
Sorry, really excited. The chick couldn't zip all the way so i had to turn him a little then he'd peck then turn and peck and turn until he finally pushed out and I'm just so excited I saved a chick!!!
Guys, this morning I went to check on my bator and I saw another egg hatched but I couldn't find the chick....I finally looked behind the eggs by the humidity bowls and the chick had jumped/squeezed under the barrier to the bowls and had jumped in the bowl of water (the only bowl without a towel over it, right near the light bulb (which has a cage on it) and had overheated/drown in the hot water
Great way to start your morning, huh? Especially a Saturday morning when your excited to find more baby chicks, and you really DO find them, but not in the way you hoped.
Sorry to dampen your morning but just thought I'd keep everybody updated.
I have five eggs that didnt hatch at the same time as the other 9 eggs. I took out the eggs and they wiggled. Its day 22 is something wrong. these are coturnix eggs
I collected eggs for a week from my 7 week old quail and hatched them today! So far half hatched. The parents are ten weeks old today. Now that's fast!
Absolutely not. Some are early, spot on, or late; In this case my eggs were VERY late---> they were supposed to hatch on Aug. 27-30, but they only started hatching 2 days ago! But there will almost always be nothing wrong with the chicks. Some say it's because when temp & hum. fluctuate it can increase hatch time. Hope this has helped!!

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